Title: Formal Processor Verification
1System Modeling and Verification with UCLID
Randal E. Bryant
Contributions by graduate students Sanjit
Seshia, Shuvendu Lahiri
2UCLID Capabilities
- System Models
- Abstract representation of hardware
- Express variety of memory structures
- RAM, CAM, queues
- Syntax inspired by SMV
- Verification Techniques
- Bounded property checking
- Burch-Dill pipeline-ISA comparison
- Invariant checking
- Manually constructed invariants
- Automatically generated invariants
3EUF Equality with Uninterp. Functs
- Decidable fragment of first order logic
- Formulas (F ) Boolean Expressions
- ?F, F1 ? F2, F1 ? F2 Boolean connectives
- T1 T2 Equation
- P (T1, , Tk) Predicate application
- Terms (T ) Integer Expressions
- ITE(F, T1, T2) If-then-else
- Fun (T1, , Tk) Function application
- Functions (Fun) Integer ? Integer
- f Uninterpreted function symbol
- Read, Write Memory operations
- Predicates (P) Integer ? Boolean
- p Uninterpreted predicate symbol
4Modeling Memories as Mutable Functions
- Memory M Modeled as Function
- M(a) Value at location a
- Initially
- Arbitrary state
- Modeled by uninterpreted function m0
- Writing Transforms Memory
- M? Write(M, wa, wd)
- ? a . ITE(a wa, wd, M(a))
- Future reads of address wa will get wd
5Modeling Unbounded FIFO Buffer
Already Popped
- Queue is Subrange of Infinite Sequence
- Q.head h
- Index of oldest element
- Q.tail t
- Index of insertion location
- Q.val q
- Function mapping indices to values
- q(i) valid only when h ? i lt t
- Required Operations
- Increment head tail pointers
- Compare head to tail (emptiness)
increasing indices
Not Yet Inserted
6Required Logic
- Scalar Data Types
- Formulas (F ) Boolean Expressions
- Control signals
- Terms (T ) Integer Expressions
- Data values
- Functional Data Types
- Functions (Fun) Integer ? Integer
- Immutable Functional units
- Mutable Memories
- Predicates (P) Integer ? Boolean
- Immutable Data-dependent control
- Mutable Bit-level memories
- Terms (T )
- ITE(F, T1, T2) If-then-else
- Fun (T1, , Tk) Function application
- Formulas (F )
- ?F, F1 ? F2, F1 ? F2 Boolean connectives
- T1 T2 Equation
- P(T1, , Tk) Predicate application
8EUF ? CLU (Cont.)
- Functions (Fun)
- f Uninterpreted function symbol
- Read, Write Memory operations
- Predicates (P)
- p Uninterpreted predicate symbol
9Finite Model Property for CLU
x ? y ? succ(x) gt pred(y)
- Observation
- Need to encode all possible relative orderings of
expressions - Each symbolic value has maximum range of
increments decrements - Can use Boolean encodings of small integer ranges
10UCLID Operation
UCLID Formula
Model Specification
Lambda Expansion
?-free Formula
Function Predicate Elimination
- Operation
- Series of transformations leading to
propositional formula - Except for lambda expansion, each has polynomial
Term Formula
Finite Instantiation
Boolean Formula
Boolean Satisfiability
11Counterexample Generation
Symbolic Simulation
Partial Interp. of Lambdas
Lambda Expansion
Partial Interpretation of UIFs
Function Predicate Elimination
- Counterexample
- trace showing value of each state variable on
each step. - Value of a lambda is a set of argument/value
Integer Assignment
Finite Instantiation
Boolean Assignment
Boolean Satisfiability
12Verifying Safety Properties
Bad States
Reachable States
Reset States
- Prove System will never reach bad state
13Bounded Model Checking
Bad States
- Repeatedly Perform Image Computations
- Set of all states reachable by one more state
transition - Easy to Implement
- Underapproximation of Reachable State Set
- But, typically catch most bugs with 810 steps
Reset States
14True Model Checking
Bad States
- Impractical for Term-Level Models
- Many systems never reach fixed point
- Can keep adding elements to buffer
- Convergence test undecidable
Reset States
- Reach Fixed-Point
- Rn Rn1 Reachable
15Invariant Checking
Bad States
Reachable States
Reset States
- Key Properties of System that Make it Operate
Correctly - Formulate as formula I
- Prove Inductive
- Holds initially I(s0)
- Preserved by all state changes I(s) ? I(?(i, s))
16An Out-of-order Processor (OOO)
valid tag val
Program memory
valid value src1valid src1val src1tag src2valid sr
c2val src2tag dest op
Register Rename Unit
1st Operand
result bus
2nd Operand
Reorder Buffer
Reorder Buffer Fields
- Data Dependencies Resolved by Register Renaming
- Map register ID to instruction in reorder buffer
that will generate register value - Inorder Retirement Managed by Retirement Buffer
- FIFO buffer keeping pending instructions in
program order
17Verifying OOO
- Lahiri, Seshia, Bryant, FMCAD 2002
- Goal
- Each step of OOO consistent with Instruction Set
Architecture (ISA) model - Challenges
- OOO holds partially executed instructions in
reorder buffer - States of two systems match only when reorder
buffer flushed
18Adding Shadow State
- McMillan, 98
- Arons Pnueli, 99
- Provides Link Between ISA OOO Models
- Additional entries in ROB
- Do not affect OOO behavior
- Generated when instruction dispatched
- Predict values of operands and result
- From ISA model
Reg. File
Reorder Buffer
19State Consistency Invariants
- Tag Consistency invariants (2)
- Instructions only depend on instruction preceding
in program order - Register Renaming invariants (2)
- Tag in a rename-unit should be in the ROB, and
the destination register should match - ?r.?reg.valid(r)? (rob.head ? reg.tag(r) lt
rob.tail ? rob.dest(reg.tag(r)) r ) - For any entry, the destination should have
reg.valid as false and tag should contain this or
later instruction - ?robt.(?reg.valid(rob.dest(t)) ?
- t ? reg.tag(rob.dest(t)) lt rob.tail)
20OOO Invariants
- Split into Formulas I1, , In
- Ij(s0) holds for any initial state s0, for 1 ? j
? n - I1(s) ? I2(s) ? ? In(s) ? Ij(s? ) for any
current state s and successor state s? for 1 ? j
? n - Invariants for OOO (13)
- Refinement maps (2)
- Show relation between ISA and OOO models
- Shadow state (3)
- Shadow values correctly predict OOO values
- State consistency (8)
- Properties of OOO state that ensure proper
operation - Overall Correctness
- Follows by induction on time
21Extending the OOO Processor
- base
- Executes ALU instructions only
- exc
- Handles arithmetic exceptions
- Must flush reorder buffer
- exc/br
- Handles branches
- Predicts branch speculatively executes along
path - exc/br/mem-simp
- Adds load store instructions
- Store commits as instruction retires
- exc/br/mem
- Stores held in buffer
- Can commit later
- Loads must scan buffer for matching addresses
22Comparative Verification Effort
23I Just Want a Loaf of Bread
24Cooking with Invariants
Ingredients Predicates
rob.head ? reg.tag(r)
Recipe Invariants
?r,t.?reg.valid(r) ? reg.tag(r) t ?
(rob.head ? reg.tag(r) lt rob.tail ?
rob.dest(t) r )
Result Correctness
reg.tag(r) t
rob.dest(t) r
25Automatic Recipe Generation
Recipe Creator
- Want Something More
- Given any set of ingredients
- Generate best recipe possible
26Automatic Predicate Abstraction
- Graf Saïdi, CAV 97
- Idea
- Given set of predicates P1(s), , Pk(s)
- Boolean formulas describing properties of system
state - View as abstraction mapping States ? 0,1k
- Defines abstract FSM over state set 0,1k
- Form of abstract interpretation
- Do reachability analysis similar to symbolic
model checking - Prior Implementations
- Very weak inference capabilities
- Call theorem prover or decision procedure to test
each potential transition - Little support for quantified predicates
27Abstract State Space
Abstract States
Abstract States
Concrete States
Concrete States
28Abstract State Machine
Abstract System
Concrete System
- Transitions in abstract system mirror those in
29Generating Concrete Invariant
- Reach Fixed-Point on Abstract System
- Termination guaranteed, since finite state
- Equivalent to Computing Invariant for Concrete
System - Strongest possible invariant that can be
expressed by formula over these predicates
Abstract System
30Conventional Implementation of P.A.
- Basis
- Abstract state sets described as formulas over
Boolean variables B b1, , bk - Current state given by formula ?(b1, , bk)
- Check whether candidate state ?(b1, , bk) is
Abstract System
Concrete System
31Drawbacks of Conventional Implementation
?P/B ? ?P/B?/S Satisfiable?
- Very Slow
- Guess at possible next state
- Construct term-level formula and test for
satisfiability - Possibly 2k calls to decision procedure
- Can Only Handle Proposition Predicates
- Cannot construct quantified invariants
32Symbolic Approach to P.A.
- Lahiri, Bryant, Cook CAV 2003
- Generate Quantified Formula Describing Next
Abstract State Set - Current state given by formula ?(B)
- Generate formula ??(B) describing all successors
Abstract System
33Symbolic Approach (cont.)
- Transform into Quantified Boolean Formula
- Formula of form Next(B) ? S, X ?(S, X, B)
- S, X Integer and function variables
- B Abstract state variables
- Translate into Boolean formula of form ? A ?(A,
B) - A Boolean variables encoding integer function
values - Key Property
- B ?(S, X, B) satisfiable B ?(A, B)
satisfiable - Solve using either SAT enumeration or BDD
34Quantified Invariant Generation
- Lahiri, Bryant, VMCAI 2004
- User supplies predicates containing free
variables - Generate globally quantified invariant
- Example
- Predicates
- p1 reg.valid(r)
- p2 rob.dest(t) r
- p3 reg.tag(r) t
- Abstract state satisfying (p1 ? p2 ? ?p3)
corresponds to concrete state satisfying - ?r,t?reg.valid(r) ? reg.tag(r) t
- ? rob.dest(t) r
- rather than
- ?r?reg.valid(r) ? ?r,treg.tag(r) t ?
- ?r,trob.dest(t) r
35Systems Verified with Predicate Abstraction
- Very general models
- Unbounded processes, buffers, cache lines,
- Safety properties only
- CLU is Useful Logic
- Expressive enough to model wide range of systems
- Systems with unbounded resources
- Abstract away most data operations
- Simple enough to be tractable
- Small domain property allows exploiting Boolean
methods - Predicate Abstraction is Powerful Tool
- Removes requirement to hand-generate invariants
- Benefits similar to model checking
37Further Work
- Support for Proofs of Liveness
- Must make argument that progress being made
- Greater Automation
- Automatic generation of predicates
- Lahiri, Bryant, CAV 2004
- More efficient implementation of predicate
abstraction - More Powerful Logic
- Linear arithmetic would be useful
- Potential blow-up when translate to Boolean
formula - Apply to Other Systems
- Software
- Network protocols