Title: The Economic Impact of the Olympics
1The Economic Impact of the Olympics
2- When the Olympic flame is lit, China will be
hoping for a 17-day festival of sport and
international friendship. It sees the games as
marking not just its re-emergence as a global
economic force but also as a country that the
rest of the world treatswith admiration and
respect. Economist, August 2, 2008
3Projected Benefits of Hosting the Olympics
- National Reputation
- Job Creation
- Visitor Spending
- Tourism Development
- Investment in Infrastructure and Transport Links
4Ex-post studies conclusion
- large costs that are not nearly compensated by
neither the revenues earned during the event nor
the legacy
- Treating Costs as Benefits
- Ignoring Opportunity Costs
- Using Gross Spending Instead of Net Changes
- Using Too Large Multipliers
6Olympic Legacy
- Positive Publicity
- Increased Tourism
- Increasing Productive Capacity
- Attraction of Business
7Resources Andrew K. Rose and Mark M. Spiegel
(2009).The Olympic Effect. http//www.frbsf.org/ec
onomics/pbc/seminars/Rose20090324.pdf. Baade,
R. A., and V. Matheson (2002). Bidding for the
Olympics Fools Gold?. http//www.holycross.edu/d
f. Hefner, Frank L. 1990. Using Economic
Models to Measure the Impact of Sports on Local
Economies. Journal of Sport and Social Issues
141-13. http//www.springerlink.com/content/n2520
7230u8v478g/fulltext.pdf?page1. Owen, Jeffrey
G. (2005). Estimating the Cost and Benefit of
Hosting Olympic Games What Can Beijing Expect
from Its 2008 Games?. http//findarticles.com/p/ar
8- Thank you for your attention