Title: www.pekingduck.org
1Mathematics and Science Education at The
University of Northern Iowa
Bulwark against the gathering storm
McCollum Science Hall
Wright Hall
2Mathematics and Science Education at The
University of Northern Iowa
Bulwark against the gathering storm
Jeffrey Weld, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Science
Education, Department of Biology Cherin Lee,
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Science Education,
Chair, Science Education program Edward Rathmell,
Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics Education,
Department of Mathematics Lyn Countryman, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor, Science Education, Price
Laboratory School
3Math and Science Education
A national math and science forecast
Iowa outlook in math and science education
- The three industry sectors of Iowas New
Economy bioscience, advanced manufacturing, and
information solutions (Iowa Department of
Economic Development)
- Iowa is 173 teachers short in Science and 121
teachers short in Mathematics Task Force on
Teacher Shortage
- In about five years, were not going to have
anybody to teach Physics. former Governor Tom
Vilsack, October 31, 2005
- Of the 20 fastest-growing occupations of the
21st century, 15 require substantial mathematics
and science preparation.
- 200,000 math and science teachers are expected to
retire within a decade.
4Math and Science Education
Five Areas of Excellence
Teacher Education - Undergraduate and Graduate
Professional Development for K-12 Teachers
Curriculum Development
Leadership State, Regional, National
5Math and Science Education
Teacher Education - Undergraduate and Graduate
By the numbers
- Unique College of Natural Sciences--College of
Education interdependence
- Price Lab School integration in course
development, teaching, field experiences
- Rigorous Majors in math or science content for
Secondary Teachers
- Robust Minor in math or science for Elementary
Education Majors
- Specialty math science courses for Elementary
Teaching Majors
- Practitioner-oriented graduate programs spanning
the state via ICN, on-line, on-campus hybrid
6Math and Science Education
UNI Mathematics Education
UNI Science Education
- Effects of inquiry-style teaching on future
elementary teachers practices and attitudes
- Creating teacher knowledge tests that have the
potential to help identify specific knowledge
that helps teachers improve achievement
- Changes in Science Teachers approach after a
summer research experience
- Created and studied a distributed curriculum, a
way to organize teaching to maximize achievement
- Impact of future teachers as undergraduate
laboratory assistants
- Long history of contributions to research and
curriculum journals as authors and on committees,
setting direction for the profession
- Factors affecting secondary students
conceptions of evolution
- Effective Science teaching for students with
special needs
On the radar
- Impact of National Board Certified Teachers on
Student Achievement in Iowa
- Large-scale study for the distributed curriculum
7Math and Science Education
Professional Development for K-12 Teachers
UNI Mathematics Education
UNI Science Education
- Created and conducted Every Student
Counts--pilot versions AEA versions statewide
- Summer science research for secondary teachers
- Physics institutes for secondary teachers
- Numerous grants and contracts serving teachers
throughout Iowa
- Summer teacher workshops on Iowa DOEs Every
Learner Inquires
- Workshops for teachers from K-12 schools on
military bases throughout the world
- Annual science content updates for teachers
On the radar
Reaching teachers of Iowa Schools on
Rigor/Relevance in science math
On-line teacher knowledge tests for personalized
professional development for math
Workshops for MISA schools and parents in the
United States (500,000 students)
8Math and Science Education
Curriculum Development
UNI Mathematics Education
UNI Science Education
- K-12 Mathematics textbooks
- Instructional materials for number, operations,
and number sense K-8 Strategies for teaching
basic facts are now included in all elementary
- BIOMES (biology)
- GEOMES (geology)
- Energy Environmental Education
- Materials have been written using a distributed
curriculum model to maximize achievement
- Ramps Pathways Physical science for pre-K-2nd
On the radar
- Additional distributed curriculum materials in
- DVD Rigor and Relevance via the Model Core
- Undergraduate biology learning package
Discovering Biology
9Math and Science Education
Leadership State, Regional National
UNI Mathematics Education
UNI Science Education
- Leadership positions in the state--ICTM IMSC
mathematics initiatives at the Iowa Dept. of
Education, and the Iowa Board of Examiners
- Leadership positions in Iowa IST, IAS, science
initiatives at the Iowa DOE
- National Science Education Standards authors and
- Major contributors in mathematics reform over
the past 20 years, including NCTM Standards
writing teams
- National leadership ASTE, NSTA, NABT, National
Research Council
- Implementing state legislation on rigor and
relevance, model core curriculum
- Major contributions to national
publications--authors editorial panels
10Mathematics and Science Education at The
University of Northern Iowa
Laying a foundation for a scientifically
literate workforce begins with developing
outstanding K-12 teachers in science and
mathematics. Rising Above the Gathering Storm,
NAS, 2006
A continuous pursuit of excellence in
v Teacher Education v Research v Professional
Development v Curriculum development v
McCollum Science Hall
Wright Hall