Title: A Conceptual Approach to Meaning Composability
1A Conceptual Approach to Meaning Composability
James R. McCracken, Ph.D.The Design Knowledge
CompanyRobert G. Eggleston, Ph.D.AFRL/HECS
- Semantic vs. syntactic composability
- Semantic composability
- Conceptual space
- Dimensions
- Isomorphism
- Standard
- W3C XTM 1.0
- ISO/IEC 13250
- Application of XTM and XFML to Individual and
- Organizational Modeling (AXIOM)
3Introduction (cont.)
- Conceptual space (Gardenfors)
- Relation to other modeling techniques
- Centrality of questions
- In modeling and simulation
- In human cognition
4Assumptions and Foundations
- Conceptual space
- Dimensions
- Similarity judgments
- Isomorphism
- Shared conceptual meaning
- Biological foundations
- Linguistic foundations
5Similarity Judgments (biological)
- All perceptions are of difference. Bateson,
- 1979
- Comparison of incoming perceptual streams to
- previous experience
- Judgments of degree of similarity
- Distance on dimensional continuum
- ? Apples to apples?
- Abstract judgments
6Structural coupling(biological)
- Mutual changes effected via the interaction of
- organisms with their environment
- Kittens
- Olympic training
- Mountain running (low altitude)
- Computer games Green and Bavelier, 2003
7Structural coupling(biological)
- We admit knowledge whenever we observe an
- effective (or adequate) behavior in a given
- context, i.e., in a realm or domain which
we - define by a question (explicit or
implicit). - Maturana and Varela, 1988
8Concept Mapping(linguistic token)
- Externalization of internal state
- Beaver (non-verbal warning)
- Human (verbal warning can specify type)
- Science education
- Concept map/XTM link
- Knowledge representation/machine knowledge
9Conceptual Spaces
- Composability as challenge
- There is a single level of mental
representation, conceptual structure, at which
linguistic, sensory and motor information are
compatible. Jackendoff, 2002 - Conceptual Spaces The Geometry of Thought
- Gardenfors, 2002
- Topic map operations
- Merges
- Pruning
- Chunking
- The structure of dimensions enables a conceptual
- space model in which distance in conceptual
space - is tightly coupled to judgments of similarity.
- Judgments of similarity are also tightly coupled
to - the quality structure of objects in/composing
the - environment.
- Estimation of place along these dimensions leads
- to the development of multi-dimensional
concepts - that have a spatial structure.
12Isomorphism and Dimensional Structure
- Isomorphism comparisons can be made at the object
(AXIOM XTM node) level, XTM (object/relation)
level, and at the conceptual process (AXIOM
model) (object/relation/control) level.
13Integral vs. Separable Dimensions
- Integral dimensions are those for which one
cannot assign - a conceptual object a value on one dimension
without - assigning a value on another dimension (hue
and - brightness, pitch and loudness).
- Separable dimensions are those for which one can
assign - a conceptual object a value on one dimension
without - assigning a value on another dimension (size
and hue, size - and taste).
- Relations among dimensions can vary, that is,
dimensions - can be treated as either integral or
separable, depending - on the context of use.
14Model Composition
15Composition of Knowledge Structures
- The underlying concept dimensions and the XTM
- merge of existing AXIOM models enable the
- composition of new knowledge and a structural
- matching of models in response to novel
question - elements.
- Matching can occur at multiple levels of
- abstraction.
16Dimension-based Generation of Knowledge
What is the slot size for a G200 following a
17Concept-based Generation of Knowledge
What is the slot size for a Citation following a
18Methods and Tools
- Approaches to generate the dimensions and
- metrics for conceptual spaces
- back-of-the-envelope
- SME-generated dimensions
- Self-generated Likert scales
- Multidimensional scaling techniques
- Proximity analyses
- Direct dissimilarity scaling (pair-wise
comparisons of all possible pairs, one at a time)
19Methods and Tools
- Protégé ontology development tool available
- from Stanford http//protege.stanford.edu/
- Topic Mapping for Java (TM4J)
- Java cloud (pub/sub)
- Java messaging service
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
- (UDDI)
- The AXIOM approach to composability links
experiential and linguistic meaning in a
biologically grounded, progressively externalized
method of modeling human cognition, embodied in
standards-based, platform-independent technology.