Title: Lecture%203.%20Representation%20close%20to%20the%20sensory%20surface
1Lecture 3. Representation close to the sensory
surface (or Piaget was right)
2Cognitive development as a progressive
differentiation of intelligence from
sensory-motor processes, as a moving away from
the here and now of perceiving and acting.
Jean Piaget
3The A not-B error - an example of sensori-motor
To Piaget, the A not-B error was important
because it showed how immature thought was tied
to the sensory-motor surface
Jean Piaget
4 The A not B error in 8 to 10 month olds
A trials
A not-B error
5 The A not B error
A trials
A not-B error
6 The A not B error
A 3 to 5 second delay
A trials
A not-B error
7 The A not B error
A trials
This is repeated 4 - 6 times
A not-B error
8 The A not B error
B trials
A not-B error
9 The A not B error
3 - 5 sec delay
B trials
A not-B error
10The A not B error an error of spatial
The A not B task
B trials
A not-B error
11For Piaget, the error reflected an inability to
represent objects independently of their
sensory-motor interactions with those objects (a
lack of the so-called object concept). For the
infant the mental object is inseparable from
the location of bodily actions.
Jean Piaget
Piaget was right, it is a sensory-motor
representation, a sensory-motor form of
intelligence, that underlies the error
12The error reveals a fundamental aspect about all
of human cognition about how human cognition
is grounded -- through the sensory-motor system
-- to the physical world functional,
effective, human cognition -- no matter how
abstract, no matter how advanced it becomes
-- is tied to here-and-now reality, through
perception and action
reality-based cognition
13- The plan
- Overview of a dynamic systems account of the A
not-B error - How right Piaget was this is sensory-motor
thought - How these same processes are generally
fundamental to human cognition, how early word
learners link names to things - Grounding and intelligence that transcends the
here and now - Extension of the dynamic systems model to the
grounding of word learning
reality-based cognition
14Dynamic systems accounts attempt to explain real
time behavior as it happens in a task
An account in terms of performance, motor
plans, reaching to locations in visual space
- Smith, Thelen, Titzer McLin (1999) Knowing in
the context of reaching The task dynamics of the
A-not-B error. Psychological Review, 106,
235-260. - Thelen, Schoner, Scheier, Smith (2001) The
dynamics of embodiment A field theory of infant
perseverative reaching. Target article,
Behavioral Brain Sciences, 24, 1-86. - Spencer, Smith, Thelen (2001) Tests of a
dynamic systems account of the A-not-B error The
influence of prior experience on the spatial
memory abilities of two-year-olds. Child
Development, 72, 1327-1346. - Smith Thelen (2003) Development as a dynamic
system. Trends in Cognitive Science, 7, 343-348. - Smith, L. B. (2005) Cognition as a dynamic
system Principles from embodiment. Developmental
Review - Clearfield, M. W., Diedrich, F. J., Smith, L. B.,
Thelen, E. (2006). Young infants reach
correctly in A-not-B tasks On the development of
stability and perseveration. Infant Behavior
Development, 29(3), 435-444. - Smith, Spencer Samuelson (in preparation) The
role of space in binding names to things. - Smith, Clearfield, Diedrich Thelen (in
preparation). Piaget was right representation
close to the sensory surface.
Dynamic Field Model
15Dynamic systems accounts attempt to explain real
time behavior as it happens in a task
An account in terms of performance, motor
plans, reaching to locations in visual space
Dynamic Field Model
16A task analysis of reaching to a location in space
A transient visual event instigates a goal to
Dynamic Field Model
17Persistent visual cues that direct and distract
the reach direction
Dynamic Field Model
18Memories for recent reaches
Dynamic Field Model
19The bodys position at the moment of the reach
Dynamic Field Model
20The dynamic field model
Transient inputs
Tonic inputs
Memories for past actions and events
The bodys position
A movement planning field
Dynamic Field Model
21The activity in the movement planning field is
driven by two sensory fields and by a motor memory
Task input
Specific input
The lids on the table
The hiding event
Generate reach plan
Memory for just previous reaches.
Dynamic Field Model
22 The time evolution of activation in the planning
field on the first A trial. The activation rises
as the object is hidden and, owing to
self-organizing properties in the field, is
sustained during the delay. The time
evolution of activation in the planning field on
the first B trial. There is heightened activation
at A before the hiding event, owing to memory for
prior reaches. As the object is hidden at B,
activation rises at B, but as this transient
event ends, owing to the memory properties of the
field, activation at A declines and that at B
23Children make the error because their memory for
the desired object is realized in the processes
that plan (and remember) spatially directed
action -- because the object (in this task) is
bound to the location of action.
Piaget is right
24Objects represented in terms of sensory-motor
interactions, in terms of bodily actions in
Jean Piaget
Piaget is right
25- The plan
- Overview of a dynamic systems account
- How right Piaget was this is sensory-motor
thought - How these same processes are generally
fundamental to human cognition, how early word
learners link names to things - Grounding and intelligence that transcends the
here and now - Extension of the dynamic systems model to the
grounding of word learning
Piaget is right
26 A not-B experiments with infants
8 to 10 month olds 6 A trials, 2 B trials 3 sec
at the sensory surface
27Claim 1 The processes that remember objects and
create the error are processes tied to acting in
general processes of visually directed action
at the sensory surface
28No hidden object
The A not B error with no hidden object!
embedded in the processes that keep track of even
in-view objects, embedded in the processes that
take a hand to that objects location in space
at the sensory surface
29Claim 2 The visual events in the task drive the
activations in the motor planning field and in so
doing create the error
Task input The lids on the table
Specific input The hiding event
Generate reach plan
Memory is carried over to the next trial.
at the sensory surface
30The specific input (the hiding event, the
transient cue that signals the target)
Increasing the attention-grabbing properties
during the hiding of A increases the error
increasing the potency of the B hiding event
decreases the error
We can make the error come and go at will by
manipulating only these aspects
The error is a blend of (a competition between)
the strength of the more immediate memory of the
B event and the memory for just previous events
(and actions) at A
at the sensory surface
31The task input (tonic persistent cues, the lids)
Increasing the attention-grabbing properties of
the persistently present visual input increases
and decreases the likelihood of the error
We can make the error increase by increasing the
salience of the A lid, And make it decrease by
increasing the salience of the B lid
The error is a blend --an integration -- of the
memory for the specific input (the hiding event),
the persistent visual cues (the lids on the
table), and previous actions
at the sensory surface
32Claim 3 The decision field is continuously
coupled to the world through the body
Task input The lids on the table
Specific input The hiding event
Generate reach plan
Memory is carried over to the next trial.
at the sensory surface
33From the babys view
at the sensory surface
34Pulling attention to the left --midreach -- pulls
the reach to to the left pulling attention to
the right -- midreach-- pulls the reach to the
at the sensory surface
35Where the infant searches for the object is tied
to where the infant looks, to the spatial
orientation of the body, and that orientation is
tightly tied to the events in the world
at the sensory surface
36Claim 4 The processes that remember objects,
actions, locations in space --and that tie them
to one another -- are very much in the language
of the body
at the sensory surface
37A sensory-motor intelligence
A trials (6 trials) SIT
B trials (2 trials) STAND
at the sensory surface
38The processes that keep track of objects in space
are tightly tied to the bodys position in space
at the sensory surface
39Perturbing babies bodies between A and B
trials Wrist weights (to both arms)
at the sensory surface
40The memories that make the error --that tie
objects to locations -- take place in the
processes that plan action such that a change in
posture or a change in the feel of the arm resets
those plans and those memories.
at the sensory surface
41 This is sensory-motor intelligence -- .
Piaget was right
the object is represented in the infants own
perceptions and actions close to the sensory
surface, through bodily interactions in space
Jean Piaget
This is not just about immaturity, it is a
fundamental truth about all of human cognition
at the sensory surface
42- The plan
- Overview of a dynamic systems account
- How right Piaget was this is sensory-motor
thought - How these same processes are generally
fundamental to human cognition, how early word
learners link names to things - Grounding and intelligence that transcends the
here and now - Extension of the dynamic systems model to the
grounding of word learning
43Word learning
Children say their first word by 12 months By 18
months 100 words By 24 months 300 words By 36
months 1500 words By 48 months 4000 words
The processes that bind actions, objects, and
locations (and make the A not-B error) also bind
names to things
Binding names to things
44The phenomenon (Baldwin, 1993) Very young word
learners (20 month olds) map names to objects
even when those names and objects are
experienced separated in time.
Binding names to things
45Binding names to things
Binding names to things
Binding names to things
48A not-B
A trial
B trial
Children reach and look to locations to interact
with objects and objects become bound to those
actions and locations, creating an error
Binding names to things
49Binding names to things
Children reach and look to locations to interact
with objects. If -- as in the A not-B task
--objects become bound to those locations of
action, can children be using those locations to
solve Baldwins task, to map a name to a thing?
Binding names to things
50Claim 1. Its about space.
If children link the name to the object through a
spatial location, weakening the link between the
object and its location should weaken childrens
ability to map the name to the intended referent.
Binding names to things
51 No switch
52- Design
- 18 to 20 months of age (n 24)
- half in Switch condition
- half in No Switch condition
- Side of target and target object counterbalanced
Results No switch (consistent spatial cue)
73 Switch (less consistent spatial cue) 46
Binding names to things
53In the task, children are learning about the
relations between objects and their locations in
space and using this relation to map a not
present object to the name.
Binding names to things
54Claim 2. It is not specifically about hidden
If children use the bodys direction of attention
to bind the name to thing, then the buckets --
and the ruse of hiding objects and naming things
inside them-- should be irrelevant.
Binding names to things
55(No Transcript)
56- Design
- children 19 to 20 months (n 16)
- 4 test trials
- Side labeled/target object counterbalanced
- across children
Binding names to things
57This tells us the phenomenon is not about hidden
objects. Rather, it may be about how objects,
actions, and locations are bound --and thus
remembered -- together.
Binding names to things
58Claim 3. Its really about the bodys direction
of attention.
Binding names to things
59(No Transcript)
60If it is the bodys direction of attention that
matters --and not a specific location in space--
pulling attention generally to the left during
the naming event should activate memories for
the object seen on the left and the name should
be linked to that object.
Binding names to things
61- Design
- children 19 to 20 months (n 16)
- Half the subjects click to right/half click to
left - 4 test trials
Binding names to things
62It is not a location per se, but where one looks,
real time perception and action.
Binding names to things
63Claim 4. Its about integrating over space and time
Binding names to things
64 A not-B error in mapping names
65Input at the moment of naming
Look left
Infants actions in space at that moment
Memories for objects recently bound to that
direction of attention
Binding names to things
6616 children (18 to 20 months) Side of target and
target object counterbalanced
Binding names to things
67The prior experience of seeing one object
consistently on the left, disrupted linking a
name to a different but physically present object
when attention was directed to the left. Where
one looks, selects and activates memories,
enabling one to bind events in the just previous
past to those in the present.
Binding names to things
68Claim 6. Close to the sensory surface
A posture shift experiment
Binding names to things
69 Posture shift
While sitting
Step 3 Stand up!
5 sec delay
70 Posture shift
No Posture shift
Step 3 Visual distraction
and clapping
Step 3 Stand up!
5 sec delay
5 sec delay
Step 5
Where is the modi?
71Stand-stand Sit-Sit Sit-Stand Stand-Sit
Results posture shift 50 (chance) visual
distraction 70 (target choice)
The memory for the object is in processes tightly
tied to the bodys orientation in space
Binding names to things
72 - The processes that make the A not-B error show a
sensory-motor intelligence, a grounding of
cognition in perception and action, an
in-the-moment product of the bodys spatial
interaction in a physical world. - The processes that make the error also do real
cognitive work beyond infancy. They are not even
specific to the A not-B error, to a deficit in
intelligence, but are instead fundamental to how
human cognition is grounded to reality -- in the
moment -- through perceiving and acting.
In the world through our bodies
73- The plan
- Overview of a dynamic systems account
- How right Piaget was this is sensory-motor
thought - How these same processes are generally
fundamental to human cognition, how early word
learners link names to things - Grounding and intelligence that transcends the
here and now - Extension of the dynamic systems model to the
grounding of word learning
74Cognitive development as a progressive
differentiation of intelligence from
sensory-motor processes, as a moving away from
the here and now of perceiving and acting.
Jean Piaget
Grounded and transcendent
75 Using space to bind the name to the thing, but
then the link transcends location in space
76In the here and now, through perceiving and
acting, children naturally link the object and
the direction of attention while seeing it the
word and the direction of attention while hearing
Real time and space
Grounded and transcendent
77- The plan
- Overview of a dynamic systems account
- How right Piaget was this is sensory-motor
thought - How these same processes are generally
fundamental to human cognition, how early word
learners link names to things - Grounding and intelligence that transcends the
here and now - Extension of the dynamic systems model to the
grounding of word learning
78A dynamic field model
The dynamics of the fields operate just as in the
motor planning field activation rises and falls
in real time, as a consequence of sensory input,
sensori-motor memories, and the cooperativity
(lateral inhibition and excitation) in the
fields Coupled -- activation in each field
drives activation in the others
Object-space field
Words-space field
Word-Object field
Dynamic fields coupled in real time
79An object-space field
Different objects
Spatial location
The object-space field is a sensory-motor
field. It represents attention to an object at
a location
80An word-space field
Different words
Spatial location
Tthe word-space field is a sensory-motor
field. It represents a word and the location of
attention when the word is heard
81An object-word field
Different objects
Different words
This is an association field. The
object-word field binds an object to a word.
82Object- Space
driven by the input
Word- Space
Word- Object
83Object- Space
Word- Space
The activation in the Word-Object is driven by by
the activation in the other two fields
Word- Object
84Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
85Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
86Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
87Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
88Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
89Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
90Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
Binding names to things
92Look, look at this
Object- Space
Input driven
Word- Space
Word- Object
93Look, look at this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
94Look, look at this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
95Look, look at this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
96Look, look at this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
97Look, look at this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
98Look, look at this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
99Look, look at this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
100Look, look at this
Object- Space
Word- Space
ridges of activation of activation corresponding
to the object and location but no word
Word- Object
101The field maintains a memory of the binoculars at
that location
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
102Look, look a this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
103Look, look a this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
104Look, look a this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
105Look, look a this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
106Look, look a this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
107Look, look a this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
108Look, look a this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
109Look, look a this
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
110Look, look a this
Object- Space
Word- Space
ridges of activation of activation corresponding
to the object and location but no word
Word- Object
111The field remembers the activations associated
with the two objects and their respective
directions of attention
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
112The experimenter directs attention to a location
and says Modi
Object- Space
Word- Space
Input driven
Word- Object
113Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
114Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
115Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
116Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
117Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
118Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
119Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
120Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
121Object- Space
An inference made through attention in space but
no longer linked to space
Word- Space
Word- Object
122Memory for objects, locations, and word -- and
the associations between them.
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
123Objects at new locations for test
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
124Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
125Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
126Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
127Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
128Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
129Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
130Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
131Attention should be directed toward and the child
should choose the intended referent
Object- Space
Word- Space
Word- Object
132Attention should be directed toward and the child
should choose the intended referent
Object- Space
Solving the reference problem Binding cognitive
contents to each other with space
Word- Space
Word- Object
133From real time processes to cognition
the processes that transcend the here and now --
are made in and realized through the here and
now of perceiving and acting
134The A not B error is not about immaturity, but
rather revealing of a deep truth about how
human cognition is grounded in and transcends
the here and now through a sensory-motor
system bound in time and space to the
physical world
Piaget was right
135Melissa Clearfield Fred Diedrich Larissa
Samuelson Adam Sheya Gregor Schoner John
Spencer Esther Thelen
the sensory-motor interaction unites the
organism to the environment and which. is so
close and direct that objects exist in that
sensory-motor interaction
The construction of reality in the child
In the world through our bodies