Title: ME170
1ME170 Computer Aided Design Summer 2006
Instructor Sean Merklin Graduate Student in
Mechanical Engineering
2Course Objectives
- Learn the fundamentals of engineering
design/drafting - Learn to describe the geometry and topology of
engineered components in standard industry
formats (ANSI/ISO) - Learn to fully define and specify a component, or
assembly of components, in a mathematically
robust geometric fully associative database (3D
CAD or solid model). - Learn Parametric Technologys ProEngineer
(Engineering Design Solid Modeling System)
3Class Support Help
- Sean Merklin Instructor, TA, Grader ?
- Office 1203 MEL
- Office hrs 12noon-1pm Tues/Thurs (as arranged)
- email merklin2_at_uiuc.edu
Class Web Page http//www.ews.uiuc.edu Click on
MIE170 or http//www.ews.uiuc.edu/7Eme170/
4MIE170 Lab Section Location Engineering
WorkStation Lab 1009 MEL (Labs start Tuesday
June 13th, 2006) Note Summer EWS Lab hours are
Required Course Book Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0
Basic Design By Steven G. Smith, Published by
CADquest inc. Available at Follets and Illini
Union Bookstore etc. (Optional Find the 3.0
book online)
5M/IE170 Grading Scheme
90 lt A lt 100 75 lt B lt 90
60 lt C lt 75 45 lt D lt 60
0 lt F lt 45
Labs/Homeworks 1 - 10 (70) Final Presentation
10 Final Project 20
(,-) Grades determined by class attendance,
participation, and other intangibles.
6Homework Handing in Policy
- All HW for any given week is due by 12midnight of
the following Sunday - After deadline you will not be able to FTP to HW
directory you should FTP your homework to the
latehomework directory - If you need extension due to illness or planned
trip, e_mail instructor and request penalty
waiver. Even if waiver given, ftp to
latehomework - Penalty is 50 credit after deadline up to 2
weeks late. ZERO credit after 2 weeks.
7M/IE170 Design Project
- Form small design teams (2 typically)
- Design a small product or sub-assembly
- Create
- Part models for each part
- Assembly model with exploded views
- Assembly models with Bill of Materials (BOM)
- A full set of engineering drawings (including
dimensional tolerances, geometric tolerance,
standard limits and fits etc.) - Develop and give a computer presentation
- Write a Design Project report
8 End of Introduction
Have Fun! ?