Title: Unit Four Quiz Solutions and Unit Five Goals
1Unit Four Quiz Solutions and Unit Five Goals
- Mechanical Engineering 370
- Thermodynamics
- Larry Caretto
- March 4, 2003
- Quiz three and four solutions are similar
- Finding work (area under path) and u
- Q m (ufinal uinitial) W
- Unit five open systems
- View first law as a rate equation
- Have mass crossing system boundaries
- Flows across boundaries have several energy forms
including internal (u) , kinetic and potential
energy plus flow work (Pv)
3Quiz Three Results
- 21 students max 30 mean 18.6
- 10 10 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 18 18
- 20 20 21 22 24 24 24 24 24 28
- Q m(ufinal uinitial) W
- To compute u h Pv
- Use specific volume in m3/kg
- convert P to kPa for h and u in kJ/kg
4Quiz Three Path
- Quiz three gave neon data near and in mixed
region. - T1, P1, V1, P2, V2
- T3, V4
- The quiz three diagram is shown here.
- This was not an ideal gas so we had to use
property tables
5Quiz Four Path
- Quiz four has the same path with the same data
items as quiz three. - T1, P1, V1, P2, V2
- T3, V4
- The quiz four path diagram is shown here.
- This was an ideal gas so we use PV mRT and du
6Quiz Four Solution
- Given Water in three-step process
- T1 300oC, V1 1 m3, P1 100 kPa
- 1-2 is a linear path to P2 300 kPa, V2 0.8 m3
- 2-3 is constant volume with T3 400oC
- 3-4 is constant pressure with V4 0.4 m3
- Find the heat transfer, Q, using ideal gas
- Find Q from first law (ideal gas with cv const)
- Q DU W m(u4 u1) W mcv(T4 T1) W
- Work is (directional) area under path
7Path for This Process
- Work area under path trapezoid area plus
rectangle area - W (P1 P2)(V2 V1)/2 P3-4 (V4 V3)
- DV lt 0 means work will be negative
8Finding the Answer
- Use properties at the initial state to find the
- Find P3-4 P3 P4 from state 3 defined by T3
400oC and v3 v2 V2/m
9Finding the Answer (contd)
- Find T4 from m, P4 P3 and V4 0.4 m3
10Finding the Answer (concluded)
11Future Quizzes
- Can use equation summary
- Download from course web page (follow course
notes link) - May have unannounced open book exams to allow use
of tables - If you are late for a quiz you can
- Come to class after quiz is over or
- Start quiz and receive grade
12Unit Five Goals
- Topic is first law for open systems, i.e.,
systems in which mass flows across the boundary - Will look at general results and focus on
steady-state systems. - As a result of studying this unit you should be
able to - understand all the terms (and dimensions) in the
first law for open systems
13Open System Concepts
the useful work rate or mechanical power (ML2T-3)
the mass flow rate (MT-1)
the kinetic energy per unit mass (L2T-2)
gz the potential energy per unit mass (L2T-2)
total energy (ML2T-2)
heat transfer rate (ML2T-3)
rate of energy change (ML2T-3)
14Unit Five Goals Continued
- use the equation relating velocity, mass flow
rate, flow area, A, and specific volume
- use the mass balance equation
15Flow Work
- For open systems work is done on (or by) mass
entering and leaving the system - Flow work is Pv times mass flow rate
- Add this flow work to internal energy (times mass
flow rate) - First law for mass flows has h u Pv (sum of
internal energy plus flow work)
16Unit Five Goals Continued
- use the first law for open systems
- use the steady-state assumptions and resulting
17Steady-state equations
- Steady-state first law for open systems
- Steady-state mass balance for open systems
18Unit Five Goals Continued
- recognize that kinetic and potential energies are
usually negligible - A 1oC temperature change in air (ideal gas with
cp 1.005 kJ/(kgK) has Dh 1005 J/kg - A similar kinetic energy change requires a
velocity increase from zero to 45 m/s (100 mph) - A similar potential energy change requires an
elevation change of 102 m (336 ft)
19Unit Five Goals Concluded
- handle simplest case steady-state, one inlet,
one outlet (one mass flow rate), negligible
changes in kinetic and potential energies
- work with ratios q and w in simplest case
20Example Calculation
- Given 10 kg/s of H2O at 10 MPa and 700oC renters
a steam turbine the outlet is at 500 kPa and
300oC. There is a heat loss of 400 kW. - Find Useful work rate (power output)
- Assumptions Steady-state, negligible changes in
kinetic and potential energies - Configuration one inlet and one outlet
First law
21Getting the Answer
- At Tin 700oC and Pin 10 MPa, hin 3870.5
kJ/kg (p. 836) - At Tout 300oC and Pout 500 kPa, hout
3061.6 kJ/kg - Heat loss is negative Q Qin - Qout
22Review Ideal Gases
- For ideal gases du cvdT dh cpdT
- Ideal gas DH DU RDT
- May have molar DH data
- Last week we looked at problem with H2O as an
ideal gas, where T1 200oC and T2 400oC - How do we handle cv(T)?
23Ideal Gas with cv(T)
- Find a, b, c and d from Table A-2(c), p 827
- Use T1 473.15 K and T2 673.15 K
- Molar enthalpy change 7229.3 kJ/kmol
24Getting Du from molar Dh
- Use molar Dh just found, data on R and M, and DT
200oC 200 K
25Ideal Gas Tables
- Find molar u(T) for H2O in Table A-23 on page 860
- Have to interpolate to find u1 u(473.15 K)
11,953 kJ/kmol and u2 u(673.15 K) 17,490
kJ/kmol - Du (17,490 kJ/kmol - 11,953 kJ/kmol) / (18.015
kg / kmol) 307.4 kJ/kg