Title: Extreme Makeover
1Extreme Makeover
- Vaccine Ordering and Delivery Optimization
Brandon Rector MSW Customer Service Supervisor NC
Immunization Branch Helen T. Kuykendall Public
Health Analyst, Immunization Services
Division Vaccine Supply and Assurance
Branch Immunization Services Division, NCIRD, CDC
2Course Outline
- Provider Survey Results
- What happens when you order vaccine?
- Minimizing Lost Vaccine
- How to Receive Vaccine
- Allocated Vaccines (Hib, Pentacel, influenza
vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine) - Common Causes for Delay
- Tips Tricks for Optimizing Your Order
3What Do You Think?
- I would like to see decreased time between
ordering and delivery. - Please increase the timeliness once an order is
placed. - When we use McKesson as a wholesaler, we get the
vaccine next day. Why does it take two weeks for
state orders to arrive? - Returning boxes is impossible. Boxes are bulky
and are often not picked up for weeks.
4What Do You Think?
- Supply must meet demand. We have had shortage
after shortage despite ordering vaccines. The
interruptions in the chain from company to state
to office to patient must cease. It is a
nightmare to keep track. - Vaccine shipments were delayed in the fall and
orders were received in individual shipments
rather than collectively. Is the state being
charged for each shipment? - We have concerns with errors in the lot numbers
of vaccines that we have received.
5The Ordering Process
Orders come to Raleigh
6Orders submitted to CDC for approval
7CDC sends orders to McKesson Specialty
8McKesson Specialty sends vaccine to provider/data
to Raleigh
9McKesson Distribution Process
10North Carolina Monthly Volume - Doses
11Ways you can minimize vaccine loss
- Open and inspect all vaccine shipments
immediately - ColdMark Freeze Indicator
- Warm Mark
- Call 877-TEMP123 (877-836-7123) or your State
program office if you have questions about
vaccine viability within 2 hours of receipt
12Ways you can minimize vaccine loss
- Office Closure
- Ideally do not place orders that will arrive when
your office is closed - Communicate any planned office closures with the
State program - Do NOT work directly with the carrier
- Order Refusal
- Do NOT refuse vaccine shipments
- Even if you think you cancelled an order
- Contact your state program
13Receiving Vaccine
- Does everyone in your office know who to contact
when vaccine arrives? - Open and inspect all vaccine packages
immediately. - What does inspect mean?
- Put vaccine into refrigerator/freezer
- Accept your Inbound Transfer in NCIR.
- Quantity
- Integrity
- Lot/Expiry
- Temperature
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17Allocated Products
- PedvaxHIB
- ActHIB
- Pentacel
- Fluzone
- FluMist
- Fluvirin
- Recombivax-HB
- Engerix-HB
- H1N1?
- Limited Supply
- Production Shortages
- Outbreaks
- Pandemics
18How Do You Allocate Vaccine to 1300 Hungry
- Order-Driven Process
- Most vaccines are allocated monthly
- Provider orders are shipped weekly
Why is it so difficult to predict the amount of
vaccine needed from week to week?
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21What Is Holding Up That Vaccine?
- Providers
- NC Immunization Branch
- McKesson
22Beyond Your Control
- Data entry errors
- Allocation management
- Change of contracts (3X/year)
- Holidays
- Handling errors
23Winning Strategiesfor Providers
- Are ordering the suggested amount?
- How often are you ordering?
- What day are you ordering?
- What are your hours?
24Course Outline
- Provider Survey Results
- What happens when you order vaccine?
- Minimizing Lost Vaccine
- How to Receive Vaccine
- Allocated Vaccines (Hib, Pentacel, influenza
vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine) - Common Causes for Delay
- Tips Tricks for Optimizing Your Order
25Thank you! Brandon Rectorbrandon.rector_at_ncmail.n
et 919-707-5553NC Immunization Help
Deskncirhelp_at_ncmail.net 1-877-873-6247