Title: Dynamic and Buoyancy Pressure
1Dynamic and Buoyancy Pressure
- A rising thermal
- plus
- Unix basics
2Some Unix basics(basis of Linux and Mac OS X)
- The command prompt is (do not type it)
- Unix commands presented in Courier font
- ls
- lists your visible files
- ls -a
- lists all files, including invisible
- ls -al
- lists all files, includes size other info
- pwd
- print working directory - shows your location
3Some Unix basics(continued)
- mkdir TEST
- makes a directory called TEST
- cd TEST
- changes directory to TEST
- cd ..
- moves UP in directory hierarchy
- cd TeST
- command should FAIL Unix is CASE SENSITIVE
4Some Unix basics(continued)
- touch crap.txt
- makes an empty file
- nedit crap.txt
- invoked Notepad-like text editor
- add some text, save file and exit
- ls -al crap.txt
- see its there
- cp crap.txt crap.txt.backup
- make a copy with cp
- rm crap.txt
- the remove command
- if it removes file without prompting, we need
to fix that!
5Some Unix basics(continued)
- mkdir BACKUP
- makes a new directory
- cp crap.txt.backup BACKUP/.
- type exactly as written - there is a space
before the period - the period means keep the same name
- ls -al BACKUP/
- see a copy is in the new location
- mkdir BACKUP/more_backup
- a new subdirectory in a directory
- cd BACKUP/more_backup
- move to new subdirectory
- cd
- pwd
- cd by itself always takes you to your home
directory -
6Some Unix basics(continued)
- cp /home/fovell/part .
- asterisk is wild card character
- copies all files matching text pattern to your
directory - ls part
- lists files matching pattern
- cat part1 part2 gt both_parts
- concatenates files
- greater-than sign is output redirect
- more both_parts
- more lists contents, one screen at a time
- hit space bar for next screenfull, type q to
quit -
7Your Unix PATH
- cp /home/fovell/execute_me .
- execute_me
- - if you receive execute_me command not found
your PATH needs changing - - The PATH is an environment variable that tells
Unix where to find stuff, and the order in which
to look - ./execute_me
- - this forces Unix to look in the current
directory for the program to run
8Preparation for new usersold users may have a
.cshrc file instead
- cd
- mv .tcshrc .tcshrc_backup
- mv is move command
- .tcshrc or .cshrc is a script file of commands,
paths, etc., executed for every new terminal
window - cat .tcshrc_backup /home/fovell/cshrc_additions_
fovell gt .tcshrc - type exactly as shown
- source .tcshrc
- changes to script file in present window do not
take effect until sourced - greater-than sign is output redirect
- rm both_parts
- now you should be prompted to confirm file
removal! - \rm both_parts
- how to override prompt
9DTDM on our Synoptic Lab Linux computers
Synoptic Lab computers open during business
hours ONLY and printing is very difficult cp
/home/fovell/DTDM_package_linux.tar . note
space and period! tar xvf DTM_package_linux.t
ar cd DTDM make makes the dtdm executable
10Using DTDM - 2
dtdm lt input_thermal.txt runs model, makes
output less-than sign provides contents of
txt file to the dtdm executable gradsnc
-l starts up GrADS ga-gt is GrADS
prompt ga-gt open thermal.anelastic ga-gt query
11Using DTDM - 3
File 1 DTDM demo simulation Descriptor
thermal.anelastic.ctl Binary
thermal.anelastic.dat Type Gridded Xsize
99 Ysize 1 Zsize 82 Tsize 11 Number of
Variables 17 u 82 0 horizontal velocity
up 82 0 pert horizontal velocity w 82 0
vertical velocity th 82 0 potential
temperature thp 82 0 pert potential
temperature pi 82 0 ndim pressure pip 82
0 pert ndim pressure ppmb 82 0 pert pressure
in millibars pbyc 82 0 buoyancy pressure in
millibars pdyn 82 0 dynamic pressure in
millibars ptot 82 0 total pressure in
millibars dudtd 82 0 U acceleration -
dynamic dudtb 82 0 U acceleration - buoyancy
dudtt 82 0 U acceleration - total dwdtd 82
0 W acceleration - dynamic dwdtb 82 0 W
acceleration - buoyancy dwdtt 82 0 W
acceleration - total
running dtdm model created two new GrADS
files thermal.anelastic.ctl thermal.anelastic.dat
contents of thermal.anelastic.ctl shown at
12ga-gt set t 6ga-gt start.gsga-gt d thp
13ga-gt d ppmb
14ga-gt cga-gt set ccolor 1ga-gt d pbyc
15ga-gt cga-gt set ccolor 1ga-gt d pdyn
16ga-gt cga-gt set ccolor 1ga-gt d w
17ga-gt cga-gt set gxout shadedga-gt d wga-gt set
gxout contourga-gt set ccolor 1ga-gt d dwdttga-gt
dwdtt is Lagrangian dw/dt, not Eulerian
18ga-gt cga-gt set t 9ga-gt set ccolor 1ga-gt set
cint 2ga-gt d w
'set mproj off' 'set display color
white' 'clear' 'set grads off' 'scripts/rgbset.gs'
plot w 'set x 30 70' 'set gxout shaded' 'set
clevs -12.5 -10 -7.5 -5 -2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10
12.5' 'set ccols 49 47 45 43 41 0 61 62 63
65 67 69' 'd w' 'scripts/cbarn.gs' 'set gxout
20Final cautions
- Make backups
- This command runs the model
- dtdm lt input_thermal.txt
- This command destroys the input file!
- dtdm gt input_thermal.txt
21ga-gt set t 6ga-gt scripts/thermal.gs