Title: Heatstroke in Dogs – Signs, Care and Prevention
1Heatstroke in Dogs Signs, Care and Prevention
2Heatstroke Defined
Heatstroke happens when the body temperature gets
elevated and goes above 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Playing or exercising in an open space on a sunny
day can increase their body temperature.
3Heatstroke Factors
- Longhaired or brachycephalic short-nosed ones
are more susceptible to heatstroke. - Young and senior dogs are more susceptible to
heatstroke. - Obese dogs and dogs with medical conditions are
severely impacted by it.
4Symptoms of Heatstroke
- Relentless panting
- Too much drooling
- Lethargy
- Increased body temperature
- Bright red gums
- Dry mucous membranes
- Loss of consciousness
5Initial care during heatstroke
- Keep your pet away from the sun's heat in a
shaded place. - Give them cool water to drink but do not force
them to drink more. - Avoid covering them with wet towels as that will
trap heat just spray tepid water underside of
dogs. - Keep the AC or fan on to keep the area cool.
- Call your vet immediately for more guidance.
6Steps to avoid heatstroke in your pet
- Avoid hot weather and go for a walk in the
morning or evening. - Do not leave your dog inside a locked car as the
temperature inside can go up by 40F. - A locked vehicle works like oven so keeping
windows partially or fully does not help. - Provide enough water to your pup to keep them
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