Title: Back Right Corner
1Back Right Corner
- Group Members Brian Binder, Daniel Behrendt,
David Haverstock, John Klinger, Chris Luciani,
Zoha Memari, Drew Merritts, Cory Mislinski, Brent
2State College Area High School North and South
- State College Area school board voted 7-0 to
move forward with plans to renovate - high school
- High school is currently divided by busy street
into North and South buildings - Poole Anderson Construction has been chosen to
lead the 102 million project - It will enable the school district to provide
the most technology advanced education - in the state.
- Construction
- Period I - Summer 2008 Period II -
Winter 2009-10 Period III - Demolish South
Building - Summer 2010 - Challenge
- To ensure smooth transition between all
- Prime Contractors, the Owner, and the
- Architect to keep project on time
- and on budget, with quality and safety for
- construction employees, school staff, and
- the students every step of the way.
3Shinkansen The Bullet Train
- The shinkansen was opened in 1964, and moved at
speeds around 200 km/h. It now moves at
approximately 300 km/h.
- Noise pollution is becoming a problem with the
bullet train. This makes it difficult to keep
increasing the speeds of the trains.
- The shinkansen is an ever-growing network of
railways, having expanded now for over 40 years
of service.
- The trains run on steel rails mounted on concrete
sleepers with the faster services running on
different tracks to avoid slower trains.
- Thoughts of using magnetic levitation (Maglev)
trains are in the works. Maglev trains have the
potential to move even faster, possibly reaching
500 km/h.
- The high-speed trains put a strain on the
infrastructure of the railway. Because of this, a
third of all costs is toward the maintenance of
the railway.
This is not a fantasy project, this has been
under construction since March of 2004 and has an
opening date set in the summer of 2007. The
U-shaped structure, called The Skywalk at Grand
Canyon West, jets about 70 feet into the canyon.
It is constructed to support the weight of 71
fully loaded 747 airplanes (72 million lbs.),
withstand winds of 100MPH, and withstand
earthquakes of 8.0 50 miles away. More than one
million pounds of steel will be used.
5What CE 300 Gave Us
- Useful knowledge of Civil Engineering Disciplines
- Ideas about what lies ahead
- Academic Planning Advice
- Strange Music
- Greater understanding of where our jobs will take
us. - Broader Horizons- Possible work overseas.
- Interesting hat ideas (From Dave)
- Better Global Awareness
- Finally, a nice 1 credit class to boost the GPA.