A number of recent electrical incidents have
highlighted a lack of awareness of the controls
required to work in the vicinity of overhead
power lines and to authorise work near drilling
Please note the following - for your immediate
Always assume overhead lines
are LIVE !
- Action Ensure strict compliance with the
requirements of - SP 1242 Activities in the vicinity of overhead
power lines
Section 2.5 Work Sites in the Vicinity of Live
Overhead Lines If work is to take place within 15
metres of a live overhead line, safety barriers
shall be erected. The absolute minimum
horizontal distance of the safety barriers from
the line should be 6 metres (ref Figure 1).
Fig 1 Example only
2. PR 1172 Permit to work system Manual
Section 15.9.4 Work done on or near Drilling
Rigs by Departments other than Drilling Some work
on the drilling location will be performed by or
for departments other than Drilling, e.g. welding
and testing flowlines, digging pits etc. This
work is to be covered by a PDO Permit to Work.
The requirements are as follows Work Near The
Drilling Location Where the work is done outside
the drilling location, but within 100 metres of
the well, the following shall apply The Permit
is to be raised by the appropriate Permit
Applicant for the personnel carrying out the
work. The Permit is to be Authorised by a
Responsible Supervisor, and Validated by an Area
Authority, from the PDO Asset Holder department
for the area. The Drilling Supervisor is to sign
the Permit as the Other Affected Custodian. The
Permit is to be entered in the PDO Work Tracking
System (see Section 9 of the PTW Manual).