Title: Max Square Noida Sector 129 (1)
1 Max Square Noida Sector 129
2 Max Square Noida Sector 129
This iconic structure is loaded with all high end
amenities like 100 power back up, 3 tier
security, retail avenues, restaurants,
multi-purpose hall, dining spaces, gym, crèche,
health wellness center, central forest cover
and inspiring artwork.Â
3 Max Square Noida Sector 129
4 Max Square Noida Sector 129
80 per cent of every floor is bathed in natural
light Designed to be IGBC Platinum rated
forGreen and Health Well-being aspects. The
design has an aspiration of achieving Energy
Performance Index (EPI) of 87 Kwh/Sqm/year with
glare-free day-lighting of more than 80 of each
office floor.
5 Max Square Noida Sector 129