Discover the best Tanzanite stones for sale at unbeatable prices! Unbelievably beautiful and rare, each piece is handpicked for its unique color and quality. Shop now and get free shipping! – PowerPoint PPT presentation
2 Discover the Mystique of Tanzanite AComprehensive Guide
Tanzanite is a unique and rare gemstone that isrevered for its deep blue to violet hues. Thisbeautiful gemstone is found only in one locationon earth, the Merelani Hills of Tanzania. In thisarticle, we will explore the history, properties,and value of Tanzanite and why it is a gemstonethat is worth investing in.
3 The History of Tanzanite
Tanzanite was first discovered in 1967 by a localMaasai tribesman named Ali Juuyawatu. He stumbledupon a cluster of blue stones while herdingcattle near the Merelani Hills. The stones werelater identified as a new variety of zoisite,which was named Tanzanite.
4 Tanzanite was initially
ntroduced to theinternational market in 1969 by Tiffany Co, whorecognized its unique beauty and potential as agemstone. Since then, Tanzanite has becomeincreasingly popular and is often used inhigh-end jewelry.
5 color of Tanzanite
The color of Tanzanite is one of the mostimportant factors that determine its value. Themost desirable color is a deep blue with a hintof violet, known as "velvet blue." Tanzanite thathas a blue-gray color is considered to be oflower quality, while stones with a yellow orbrown tint are the least valuable.
6 Properties of Tanzanite
Tanzanite is a variety of zoisite minerals withthe chemical composition of Ca2Al3(SiO4)3(OH). Itis a comparatively soft gemstone having ahardness of 6.5 -7 on the Mohs scale. Tanzaniteis pleochroic, meaning it has the ability todisplay various colors depending on the angles.It's a blue to violet stone, among which the mostprecious stones are those with deep blue hues.