Title: Dr. Dabber Review Ghost & Light
Dr. Dabber is a very well known name in the world
of portable dabbing, and it is for a good reason.
Dr. Dabber is a very well-known name in the world
of portable dabbing, and it is for a good reason.
Their various products help those of us who
prefer to consume shatter and distillate to do so
in a more accessible way. No torches, no hot
surfaces, no problems. The two products that we
Dr. Dabber Review, the Ghost and the Light, are
both intended to be portable pens.
The external packaging for both the Ghost and the
Light has a clean and attractive appearance
however, we found the written information
describing each product on the back of the
packaging slightly vague. The Ghost box lid can
be removed to reveal the pen and an extra
atomizer secured in foam.
From the packaging and unboxing experience alone,
the premium quality of these products is evident.
All of the components feel solid and the nice
brushed metal finish feels expensive to the
touch. The threading on the atomizers and
mouthpieces is high quality and gives us the
sense that these products will last through many
memorable sessions. Given that many of these
components are made of titanium, you can feel
confident knowing that the temperature variations
during years of operation will not deteriorate
the quality of the product.
Charging the pens is quite simple you can
unscrew the atomizer on the Ghost or the
mouthpiece on the Light to attach the provided
USB charger. The charger glows red while charging
and green when fully charged. The Dr. Dabber
website indicates that your pen should come
approximately 50 charged, and they encourage you
to use it before charging it for the first time.
We did not follow these instructions and noticed
that, initially, the pens were not hitting
properly. In fact, after charging, we noticed
that we needed to hold the button longer to
initiate taking a hit.
The first thing we noticed with both products was
that there is a bit of an odd flavor when first
using the pen. We believe this is a result of the
coil and ceramic bowl being heated for the first
time. This dissipates after a few uses, but we
wanted to make sure to mention it. What is really
interesting is that every part of the pen is
replaceable. The pens also come apart easily for
cleaning and maintenance. These easy-to-use
products are a great tool for any cannabis
consumer, especially those who want to more
easily get into consuming shatter.
The Light has a much smaller bowl, so we used an
even smaller amount of shatter than a grain of
rice. The operation of the pen is quite similar
to the Ghost, so we have the same recommendation
on the best hand-hold position for optimal
airflow. The vapor produced by the pen is smooth
and provides a mild flavor. When testing the same
shatter, the flavor is not as strong with this
pen as is with the Ghost.
The Light has a much smaller bowl, so we used an
even smaller amount of shatter than a grain of
rice. The operation of the pen is quite similar
to the Ghost, so we have the same recommendation
on the best hand hold position for optimal
airflow. Here the various Dr Dabber Coupons are
available, you can use it these code and enjoy
the visualized discount on CBD product.
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