Title: Hexamilesoft|The E-Commerce Specialist in the Town
1Social Media Hexamilesoft
S ocial Media Integration 50
F ourSquare Listing 100
Do you have Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
MySpace, etc. for your business? Well, why not
get all of your accounts integrated onto your
website? We provide seamless integration for all
these social media accounts. On each webpage
youll have social media buttons thatll direct
your customers to their own personal social
media account. Your customers will then be able
to automatically post that specific webpage or
product that they just viewed. This means more
exposure for your website and is basically free
FourSquare is the latest social media
application which allows your customer to
interact with you online on their smartphone or
computer. You as the business owner can track
everything about your customer from what theyve
bought from you. You can also track when they
visited, how many times theyve visited, and
which coupons theyve used. The best thing of
all about FourSquare is that your customer
shares with the world on facebook on twitter
that theyve entered your store every time
theyve entered your place of business.
B log Page Creation 100
Y elp Listing 100
What better way to get the word out about your
website by blogging? Gain followers that follow
your blog and keep coming back for more.
Introduce new products, news, and giveaways on
your blog.
Own a restaurant? Yelp is the perfect place to
list your business to gain more customers.
Provide discounts for customers, and improve
your restaurant by reading customer reviews and
ratings. Without Yelp, itll be difficult for
your restaurant to succeed in the digital age.
G oogle Integration 200
F acebook/Twitter Page Creation 150
We will list your business for you on Google
Maps which will help potential customers find
you easily through Google Search. We will also
get your started with Google Ads, the worlds
leading advertising campaign on the
internet. Google Analytics will also be
integrated with your website meaning that you
can see how many users visit your website,
where in the world they are exactly from, how
long they are viewing your web page, and more!
Custom Facebook/Twitter Page (its basically
another website that is unique and unlike any
other ordinary Facebook/Twitter page). Please
inquire about Facebook Ad campaigns which
precisely targets users based on demographics
and preferences. Facebook/Twitter integration
with your website is also included.