Title: Jets in Gamma Ray Bursts Reem Sari . Caltech .
1Jets in Gamma Ray Bursts Reem Sari .
Caltech .
- Duration 0.01-100s (bimodal)
- Isotropy Random direction
- 1 burst per day
- 300keV photons
- Non thermal Spectrum(very high energy tail, up
to gt200MeV) - short time scale variability (less than 10ms)
BATSE 1991-2000
3Temporal Variability
- dTlt1s, T100 ? NT/dTgt100
- dT 1ms ? R lt 3107 cm
- E 1051ergs ? 1057 photonshigh photon
density(many above 500 keV). - Optical depth ?T n R1015gtgt1
- Inconsistent with the non thermal spectrum!
Spectrum Optically thin
Size Energy Optically thick
? Paradox ?
5Relativistic Time-Scales
- tB-tA R (1-?) / c R/2?2c
- tC-tA R(1-cos ?)/c R/2?2c
- tD-tA ?/c
6The SolutionRelativistic Motion
- Due to Relativistic Motion
- R g2 c dT
- Eph (emitted) Eph (obs) / g
- tgg g-(42a) nsTR 1015/g42a
- (Goodman Paczynski Krolik Pier Fenimore
Woods LoebBaring Harding Piran Shemi
Lithwick RS)
g gt 100
7Relativistic Motion
(Lithwick RS 2001)
83) Kinetic Energy intoInternal Energy
- External Shocks
- Internal Shocks
9Temporal Variability
- dTlt1s, T100 ? NT/dTgt100
10Temporal Variability Models
- External Shocksirregular surrounding
- Simple Explosive Engine
- Internal Shocksmany colliding shells
- Complex, Long Lasting Engine
(RS Piran 97)
11Feb 28 1997
counterparts were found Afterglow
124 Stages
Coasting, ISGRB
Thermal acceleration
Early Afterglow FS RS
Deceleration Late Afterglow
Very Late Afterglow Newtonian
(Kobayashi, Piran RS)
Energy release
13Simple Theory
- Hydrodynamics deceleration of the
- relativistic shell by collision with the
surrounding medium - (Blandford McKee 1976 Meszaros Rees 1997
Waxman 1997 RS 1997 Cohen, Piran RS 1998) - Radiation synchrotron
- (Waxman, Mesaros Rees Katz Piran RS, Piran
Narayan Granot, Piran RS) - Clean, well defined problem.
- Few parameters
- E, n, p, ?e, ?B
Electron distribution
Magnetic field
Electrons energy
14Theoretical Spectra
(RS, Piran Narayan 1998)
N(?e) ??e-p
? B ?e2
15Theoretical Spectra
(RS, Piran Narayan 1998)
16Dynamics Radiation Light Curves
(RS, Piran Narayan 1998)
? ? game Ft???
17Observations vs. Theory
(Galama et. al., 1998 compared to RS, Piran
Narayan 98)
Good agreement between theory and observations
18Theory Observations
(Harrison et. al. Yost et. al.)
Good agreement between theory and observations
19Physical Parameters from the Observed Spectra
- The parameters E , n0 , ?e , ?B , p
- p the slope at high frequencies
- remaining parameter from ?a , ? m F?m , ?c
(Wijers Galama 98 Granot, Piran RS 99) - For GRB970508 we obtained E 5.3x1051
ergs n0 5.3 cm-3 ? e 0.57
? B 0.0082 - This method is sensitive to the details of the
model - Can be applied at several epochs
4 observables 4 unknowns
20Physical Parameters from Broad Band fits
(Yost et. al.)
21Physical Parameters from Broad Band fits
(Yost et. al.)
22Radio Observations -Another confirmation of the
fireball model
- Radio observations of the afterglow of GRB970508
(Frail et. al) - Variability
- Scintilations (Goodman)
- Size after one month 1017cm.
- Rising Spectrum ?2 at low frequencies
- Self absorption (katz Piran)
- Size after one month 1017cm.
GRB 030329 is resolved vgtc
23Radio Images
24Implications of Jets
- Solid angle 2??2.
- Fj4?/2??2 200(?/.1)-2
- EtotEiso/Fb , Eiso4?D2.
- The real rate will be higher by Fj ????
- The energy in each burst is smaller by Fj.
- The total energy per galaxy is the same!
25Sidewise Expansion
(Rhoads Meszaros Rees RS, Piran Halpern)
- Fluid frame expansion c.
- Observer frame ?R?R/?.
- Initially ??0
- After 1/???0 ?1/?
tjet ?(tjet)1/?0
26Simple Scalings
(Rhoads Meszaros Rees RS, Piran Halpern)
- E ?2R3?c2 ?2
- Initially ??0 ?R-3/2 ?-1/2
- After tjet ?1/? ? decreases at constant R.
27Observed Jets
Harrison et. al. 1999
28Lightcurve BreaksSimultaneous at all frequencies
- F?? t-?
- ?gt?m F?? t-pt-2.2 ?? ? -1.1 optical, x
- ?alt?lt?m F?? t-1/3 ?? -5/6 IR, mm
- ?lt?a F?? t0 ?? -1/2 low radio
- The break is substantial at all frequencies.
29Prediction Rings
(Waxman RS Panaitescu Meszaros Granot, Piran
RS abc Granot RS)
- If a nearby GRB occurs it can be resolved.
(redshift zlt0.1) -
- High frequency narrow ring
- Low frequency disk with brighter edges.
30Achromatic Transition
tjet ?(tjet)1/?0
- Hydrodynamic transition.
- All frequencies should show a break at about
the same time.
31Beaming Luminosity Relation
Frail et. al.
Afterglow - GRB correlation !
32Procedure to Estimate Energy
- Estimate K corrected Eiso
- Estimate break time tjet
- Use ??jet0.06 (tjet/1z)3/8 (Eiso/n)1/8
(SPH) - E?Eiso (?jet)2/2
We fixed n0.1
33GRBs Standard Candles !?
Luminosity distribution is spread over a factor
of 500 After correcting for beaming, spread lt10
Frail et. al.
34GRBs Standard Candles !?
Total energy (including mildly relativistic
ejecta) is more standard than highly relativistic
Berger et. al. 2003
35Amati et. al. Ghirlanda et. al.
But Nakar Piran Band Preece Friedman Bloom
36Liang Zhang 05
37GRBs Standard Candles !?
Total energy (including mildly relativistic
ejecta) is more standard than highly relativistic
Berger et. al. 2003
38Standard EnergyorStandard EVERYTHING ?
- Viewing angle can mimic distribution of opening
angles (Postnov et al) - Standard energy dE/d? ? ?-2 (Rossi et al,
mini jets Nakamura) - Predicts the distribution ofopening angles and
luminosity.Explains ?0.05 (Perna, RS Frail)
Correction to the energy but only little to the
39Rate Energy Correction
- Assume luminosity function N?L-2
- Most bursts are weak.
- Total rate is that of the weak bursts!
- Assume energy is constant
- Weak bursts are not collimated.
- Most bursts need no correction.
- Due to increase of volume up to z1
- Typical angle 0.05
- Many of the observed bursts are highly beamed.
- There needs to be a correction of the energy.
- More sensitivity - Swift - larger typical angle.
Correction for the rate is small
40Jets Hydro - Open Issues
- At what rate the jet spread sideways?
- How much of the energy stay concentrated near the
axis. - Amount of break do not always agree with theory.
- Some numerical simulations suggest spreading is
less pronounced that naïve one.
41Swfit X-rays fast-gtslow-gtfast
Barthelmy et. al
42Prompt/Continuous Energy Injection
- Power law distribution of initial Lorenz factors?
- Suggested by slow decays.
- A. Influences the dynamics (small gradual effect)
- B. Adds additional Emission site Long lived
reverse shock.
(RS Meszaros)
43Magnetic field Direction
- Magnetic field buildup is NOT understood.
- Field compression Weibel instability suggests
44Fluctuations in Cylindrical Symmetry
(Gruzinov Waxman Medvedeve Loeb)
- Afterglow is a ring or disc.
- ltBgt has the same symmetry.
- lt ?gt0
- If B has fluctuation in size or direction then
??0. - Small fluctuations coherent length small ?.
45Polarization by Fluctuations
- Maximal coherence length Completely random B.
(Gruzinov Waxman) - coherent cells grow at the speed of light R/? -
comparable to fireball size. - detailed calculation 50 coherent cells.
- ?70/?5010
- Coherence on skin depth size (Medvedev Loeb)
- negligible ?
- With scintillation ?1
46Break of symmetryBeamed Afterglow
(Gruzinov Ghisellini Lazzati RS)
- Assume ??B??/B??1
- Assume small coherence length(ignore
fluctuations) - Average over possible B directions (constrained
by ?) - Average over all emitting regions in jet geometry.
Direction of Polarization
48High Prompt Polarization
- Coburn Boggs 021206 80 (But RutledgeFox)
- Willis et. al. 930131gt35 960924 gt50
- Uniform B
- Entangled B
- Only in the plane.
- Variation over 1/??
- Patchy shell model
- IC scattering (Eichler Levinson)
49Direction of Polarization B??ltB?
? ?m/3
? ?m
50Polarization Evolution
51Polarization Lightcurves
- Radio upper limits
- 19 GRB 980329 (Taylor et. al.)
- 8 GRB 980703 (Frail et. al.)
- Optical upper limit
- lt2.3 GRB 990123 (Hjorth et. al.)
- First detection
- 1.7 for GRB 990510
- (Covino et. al. Wijerse et. al.)
- Radio upper limits
- 19 GRB 980329 (Taylor et. al.)
- 8 GRB 980703 (Frail et. al.)
- Optical
- (Bjorsson 03)
54GRB 020813
- Spectral polarimetry with Keck
- Imaging polarimetry with VLT
- ? changes at fixed ?
- Inconsistent with randommagnetic fields
- Agrees well with jet interpretation.
- Polarization color?Perhaps in 021004.gtLy ?
(Wang et. al.)Patchy absorber???
(Barth et. al.)
55GRB 030329
56GRB 030329
x t1.64
T (days)
57030329 - late radio optical break
58What did we learn from polarization?
- Significant change of polarization magnitude with
little change in angle (020813 030329). - Inconsistent with random patches.
- Suggest connection to global geometry.
- Low level of polarization ?3
- Entangled magnetic field
- Short coherence scale
- Almost random direction
- Suggests amplification by turbulence
- High level in prompt GRBs?
- Suggests different origin for B in prompt and
afterglow. - Change of 30 degrees in angle (030329)
- Suggests complex geometry, not single off axis
Pachy shell (Piran) Mini jets (Nakamura)
59GRB to Afterglow TransisionGRB - Internal
shockAfterglow - Surrounding
60Prediction TransitionBurst Afterglow
(RS 1997)
- The initial external shocks (afterglow) may
overlap the internal shocks (GRB) signal. - Confirmation requires very early (10-100s)
afterglow observations
61Reverse, Forward, Jets ...
62The Reverse ShockOptical Flash
- At tA EreverseEforwardEGRB
- ?m 1015Hz (?0/300)2
- ?c 1017Hz tA-1/2
63Predicted optical flash
? -rays
Reverse shock
forward shock
X -rays
So very bright! Could be seen with binoculars
from the other side of the universe!!!
67Reverse Shock in GRB 990123 - optical
reverse shock
forward shock
68Reverse Shock in GRB 990123 - radio
69Reverse Shock in GRB 990123
- Correct flash magnitude.
- Correct rise time.
- Correct rise rate.
- Correct decay rate.
- Correct radio flare.
- The ejecta is made of baryons!
- If n1 cm-3 then ?0200
- The equipartition parameters are similar in
reverse and forward shocks.?
70(No Transcript)
71The Hypernova Model (Zhang et. al.)