Title: Isotropization of an equilibrating QuarkGluon Plasma
1Isotropization of an equilibrating Quark-Gluon
- Bin Zhanga, Lie-Wen Chenb, Che-Ming Koc
- aArkansas State University, bShanghai Jiaotong
University, cTexas AM University - 24th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, South
Padre Island, April 5-12, 2008
- The AMPT model
- Evolution of bulk properties in the AMPT model
- Pressure Anisotropy in the AMPT model
- Summary
Work supported by the National Science Foundation
under Grant PHY-0554930 (B.Z.) PHY-0457265, the
Welch Foundation Grant No. A-1358 (C.M.K.), the
NNSF of China Grant Nos. 10575071 and 10675082,
MOE of China project NCET-05-0392, Shanghai
Rising-Star Program Grant No. 06QA14024, and the
SRF for ROCS, SEM of China (L.W.C.).
2The AMPT model
Lin et al, PRC 72, 064901 (2005)
3The AMPT model
Chen et al.,PLB605,95(2005)
Good description of light hadron low pT spectra
and elliptic flow
Chen et al.,PRC69,031901(2004)
4Bulk properties in the AMPT model
Equation of state can be characterized by P/e as
a function of e. Active particle contributions
are evaluated.
- default model hadronizes earlier than the string
melting model - equation of state depends on the parton
scattering cross section
5Bulk properties in the AMPT model
hadron ltmgt/ltK.E.gt increases
Strange percentage increases
6Pressure anisotropy in the AMPT model
Momentum isotropy can be characterized by PL/PT
- String melting scenario increases faster than
the default scenario - There is a late time increase to above 1. It is
caused by on set of transverse expansion - Larger parton cross section leads to larger
early pressure anisotropy and late transverse
expansion - Partial thermalization is achieved
7Summary and Outlook
- Pressure to energy density ratio in default model
is much smaller than the string melting model
over a wide range of energy density. - Pressure to energy density ratio in the string
melting model depends on the partonic cross
section. - Both longitudinal expansion and transverse
expansion can affect pressure anisotropy
evolution. - The hot and dense matter in the AMPT model does
not reach full isotropization. - Effects of parton number changing processes,
plasma instabilities, hadronization at fixed
time, mean field deserve further study.
8The AMPT model
String melting is needed for the description of
elliptic flow
9The AMPT model
Rapidity distributions
HBT radii
10Pressure anisotropy in the AMPT model
Comoving frame is necessary even for
?slt0.5 Mid-space-time rapidity region is boost
11Pressure anisotropy in the AMPT model
Parton recombination can introduce dependence on
space-time rapidity range
12Bulk Properties including free streaming hadrons