Title: Model for Prediction Across Scales MPAS
1Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS)
- Joe Klemp, Bill Skamarock (NCAR)
- Todd Ringler (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- John Thuburn (University of Exeter, UK)
2Future Weather/Climate Atmospheric Dynamic Core
- Problems with lat-lon coordinate for global
models - Pole singularities require special filtering
- Polar filters do not scale well on massively
parallel computers - Highly anisotropic grid cells at high latitudes
- Consideration of alternative spatial
Priority Requirements
- Efficient on existing and proposed supercomputer
architectures - Scales well on massively parallel computers
- Well suited for cloud (nonhydrostatic) to global
scales - Capability for local grid refinement and
regional domains - Conserves at least mass and scalar quantities
3Why a Hexagonal Grid?
to circumvent the pole problem !
Grids designed to remove the pole singularity
icosahedral grid (hexagons)
cubed sphere
icosahedral grid (triangles)
- Finite-volume formulation
- Hexagonal grid is most isotropic (wave
propagation). - Pentagons are easier to handle than corners of
cube. - Hexagonal grid permits larger explicit time steps
4Isotropy in Linear Advection Simulations
t 70,000 s, ?t 200 s, ?x 5 km
5Accuracy and Isotropy of Second Order Diffusion
Normalized second order Laplacian
6Why a C-Grid?
Since the 1960s, virtually all nonhydrostatic
cloud and mesoscale models have used a C-grid.
1-D wave equation
Linear gravity-wave dispersion
C-grid staggering
A-grid staggering
C grid
A grid
The C-grid provides twice the resolution of the A
grid, and avoids the parasitic mode
7C-Grid - SWL Linear Stability Limits
Wave Propagation CFL limit (rel)
Advection CFL limit (rel)
Equivalent Grid Size
Rectangular Grid
Triangular Grid
Hexagonal Grid
8Hexagonal C-Grid ProblemNon-Stationary
Geostrophic Mode
Traditional Coriolis velocity evaluation
9Hexagonal C-Grid ProblemNon-Stationary
Geostrophic Mode
New Coriolis velocity evaluation (Thuburn, JCP)
10Generalization for Irregular Hexagons
In discrete analogue of vorticity equation
(?t-f?a), the divergence ?a on the Delaunay
triangulation must be identical to the divergence
?A on the Voronoi hexagons used in the height
equation (ht-H?A)
divergence ?A in hexagon A
divergence ?a in triangle ABC
Construct tangential velocities from weighted sum
of (10) normal velocities on edges of adjacent
All weights w je depend only local area ratios
RAa, etc.
11Shallow Water Test Case 2 Steady Zonal Flow
(Todd Ringler, LANL)
12Shallow Water Test Case 2 Steady Zonal Flow
(Todd Ringler, LANL)
13Shallow-Water Test Case 5 Flow over an Isolated
Potential vorticity conserved to roundoff. Total
energy conserved to time-truncation error.
40962 cells, dx 120 km 2nd order
differencing RK4 time differencing
(Todd Ringler, LANL)
14Limited-Area Cloud Model on Hexagonal C-Grid
Splitting Supercell at 2 hours
Finite-Volume Fluxes on Hexagonal C-Grid
- Research Progress
- Constructed a 3-D limited-area hexagonal-grid
cloud model based on WRF/ARW numerics to evaluate
performance. - Documented that hexagonal-grid cloud simulations
are at least as accurate and computationally more
efficient than those on a conventional
rectangular grid.
1 km Hexagonal Grid Simulation
153-D Supercell Simulation 500 m Horizontal Grid
Rectangular Grid
Hexagonal Grid
Vertical velocity contours at 1, 5, and 10 km
(c.i. 3 m/s)
30 m/s vertical velocity surface shaded in
red Rainwater surfaces shaded as transparent
shells Perturbation surface temperature shaded on
16Selective Grid Refinement
Adjustment of grid cells to specified density
(Michael Duda, MMM)
- Lili Ju (Univ. South Carolina)
- Max Gunzberger (FSU)
- Todd Ringler (LANL)
17Selective Mesh Refinement Based on Terrain Height
spherical centroidal voronoi tessellation
(Michael Duda, MMM)
- We have solved the non-stationary
geostrophic-mode problem for the irregular
hexagonal C grid (for any Voronoi grid). - The global hexagonal C-grid SW solver
- Accuracy similar to other state-of-the-art
solvers. - Conserves PV to machine roundoff.
- Conserves total energy to time-truncation error.
- Robust - explicit filtering not needed in SW test
cases 2 and 5, and it is stable for long
integrations. - Unstructured grid permits selective grid
refinement - The regional hexagonal C-grid cloud model
- Accuracy similar to state-of-the-art rectangular
grid models. - Slightly greater efficiency compared to
rectangular grid models. - Future Nonhydrostatic global hexagonal C-grid