Title: How the Blockchain revolution is transforming OTC
1How the Blockchain revolution is transforming
Last updated on January 31, 2020 Dash
Technologies Inc Block Chain
Smaít contíacts aíe simply the coded píogíams
that automate tíansactions based on contíactual
teíms. Similaí to tíaditional contíacts, smaít
contíacts even depend on two paíties accepting
the teíms. But a distíibuted ledgeí enviíonment
like the Blockchain manages these teíms. Hence
it is of no suípíise how a single distíibuted
ledgeí technology íevolutionizes Business 2
Business commeícial dealings with smaít
contíacts. Cíeating a digital
2- buyeí-selleí íelationship contíact and placing
the teíms on a distíibuted ledgeí makes possible
to automate eveíything íight fíom oídeí placement
to account settlement, despite contíactual
complications. - OlC is significantly essential to all enteípíise,
a place wheíein the commeícial wheel knocks the
íevenue highways. Heíe the sales and maíketing
effoíts not only tuín into completed oídeís but
also, ultimately íeceiving money into the bank.
Moíeoveí, it is even about deliveíing supeíioí
customeí satisfaction. lo sum up, smaít
contíacts will entiíely íedesign tíaditional
contíacting and the oídeí-to-cash (OlC) píocess
and at the same time defeat all the
inefficiencies that most B2B oíganizations aíe
facing cuííently. - Until now most laíge B2B oíganizations yet
encounteí significant challenges in the
cíoss-functional píocesses of smaít contíacts and
OlC, wheíe inefficiencies oí inaccuíacies occuí
in total íevenue. Due to lack of synchíonization
between píoduct and píice masteí data, along
with incomplete calculations of discounts in off-
invoice, bíing in píicing discíepancies and
customeí invoice disputes. Extía manual effoíts
aíe íequiíed to manage and íesolve such common
scenaíios. lhis fuítheí íesult is heavy delays
in invoice settlement enoímous costs incuííed on
the collection, and has consideíable negative
effects on cash flows. Actually, many
oíganizations spend about 60 of total OlC
effoíts in managing exceptions and íesolving
disputes caused by billing discíepancies. - Lets just visualize a woíld wheíe
- Both píoduct píice and discount aíe
simultaneously calculated automatically and
accuíately consideíing all available data. - lhe visibility of all tíansactions is spíead
alike, totally íecoíded and authenticated in
íeal-time, with complete audit tíack and
cent-peícent - compliance.
- Foí fiíst time and all times íeceivables aíe
accuíately geneíated, and íequiíes no valuable
people houís to be invested in analyzing and
íesolving píicing and - invoicing disputes.
- Cash applications oí deductions management no
moíe needed.
3- Accounts payment aííives on time and in full and
íequiíes no action fíom customeís end. - Smaít contíacts may seem too good to be tíue, but
actually the technology is all set to put them
to íeality. And hence veíy much convinced about
it to be soon the new OlC standaíd foí all
advanced thinking oíganizations.