Title: Order Baklava Online - Baklava Box
1The art of sweet
- making - Baklava Box
- Our baklava is freshly
- prepared to order and baked in the UK. In order
to provide a really authentic experience, each
box is individually packaged and manually
sealed. Any special event is a better match for
our gorgeous gift boxes. - SELECTION
- Assorted Baklava Box
- Bitesize Baklava Box
- Vegan Baklava Box
- Premium Baklava Box
2Baklava Box Offers Sale on Christmas
Check out now and receive 15 off on your entire
order. and Also Get Discount Coupons on
Christmas Sale
3Contact Us
www.thebaklavabox.co.uk 07542 377133 thebaklavab
oxuk_at_gmail.com 28 James Street, London, W1U 1EW