Title: What Weight Bench Should You Buy
1What Weight Lifting Bench Should You Buy?
If you have ever stepped foot into a commercial
gym equipment, you have probably seen at least
10 different types of benches. All of them have
their purpose, but you cant fit all of them
into your home gym. For that reason, we will
discuss some different types of weight lifting
benches, so you can decide what is best for
you. Incline/Decline Bench This one is
essential. Opting for a workout bench that lets
you change the backrest incline gives you so many
possibilities. Ideally, you want to choose or buy
weight lifting bench that allows you to go
decline, but also to change the seat angle, which
will make it even more comfortable to use. The
best of all is that an incline bench doesn't take
up much more space than a regular hench that
doesn't let you change positions. That makes
incline benches a great space-saving investment.
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2Flat Bench Plain flat bench is inexpensive,
doesn't take up space, and is a staple of any gym
workout. It is simple and self-explanatory, but
extremely effective. And, you can combine it
with other pieces of home or commercial fitness
equipment, such as your squat/power rack, to
target even more muscle groups. Just make sure to
get a stable one, as you dont want to flip over
while holding a pair of heavy dumbbells. Usually,
the wider the legs are, the more stable the bench
is, so keep that in mind when browsing. Olympic
Bench Olympic bench lets you perform the
favourite exercise - barbell bench press, a
staple of the chest and upper body training.
Without this weight lifting bench, it would be
almost impossible to perform the
exercise. However, if you dont have room for an
Olympic bench, you can do the bench press in
your power rack. Just push your flat bench in it,
and place the pins in the correct position.
Doing the bench press inside a power rack is much
safer too, as you wont need a spotter.
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