Title: Netherlands Dedicated Server Hosting (1)
Since its founding in 2008 Prahost has evolved
into a worldwide hosting provider
2Who We Are?
PraHost is a web hosting company founded in 2008,
with four leased data center facilities located
in Germany and Netherlands.
3Why Choose Us
Because we understand that setting up a dedicated
server goes way beyond the norms of a steadfast
Quick Setup
24/7 Support
Monthly Contract
Latest Hardware's
High Security
4Data Centers
Our data centers are state-of-the-art and ISO
certified. They are spread across the world in
strategically chosen locations to enable priority
access to the business hubs across the US, Asia
and Europe. Each one of them is specifically
built to offer maximum security, performance and
Enjoy one of the biggest and most advanced
networks around. Including 53 POPs (points of
presence ) and 29 Internet Exchanges across the
world for our network with redundant connections
to deliver colossal bandwidth capacities,
unbelievable speeds and unrivaled connectivity.
Our Customer Portal let you manage your affairs
well. Control is a nice thing to have especially
when you are able to setup everything exactly as
you desire. The Customer Portal is very
intuitive, and robust, providing every feature
you need to manage every part of your dedicated
server and network.
7Phone Number
Contact Us
91-99 75 60 1318
Reach out to us for inquiries or comments.
Email Address
info _at_ prahost.com