Title: Healthiest Cat Food Store in Minnesota
1Healthiest Cat Food Store in Minnesota
Presented by Evolution Diet Pet Food
2About Us
The Worlds 1st Plant Protein Vegan Dry Kibble -
Plant Protein Vegan Moist Canned Cat - Dog Food
Nutrient Compound Service Company Evolution Pet
Food started in 1989 by Eric Weisman - a human
physician with an interest in being kind,
preserving all animal life and nutrition. Before
it all started, Eric had been a long time
vegetarian running a small rescue shelter for
homeless cats and dogs at his home. With his
years of college and university training,
scientific background in physiology, pathology,
x-ray, and nutrient applications for human
disease, his observations in cat-dog illnesses
and experiences with veterinary case reviews made
him think there must be a better way to feed cats
and dogs. He came to realize that the flesh based
pet food industry was problematic and that its
products were and are the cause of many
illnesses Cancer has been and is the leading
cause of death in dogs and now becoming the
leading cause of death in cats for many years.
3Healthiest Cat Food Store
Evolution Diet healthiest cat foods are
definitely what your pet cats need to live life
to the fullest. Rich in taste, made of plant
based protein and non-GMO in nature, these
healthiest-longest living cat foods are ideal for
their growth and health maintenance. Visit our
site and grab the best dogs and cats food at the
lowest prices and some amazing discounts.
4Healthiest Cat Food Store
5Contact Us
531 Phalen Blvd, Saint Paul, MN 55130 USA
Email Address
Phone Number