Title: Buy Customized Beds in Dubai (1)
1Buy Customized Beds in Dubai
2Buy Customized Beds in Dubai
The Customized Bed is a one-of-a-kind piece of
luxury furniture that combines style, comfort,
and art. Choose a decorative paint or stain
color, or use your imagination to find the
perfect pattern to highlight the strength of our
structural steel. The finishes are sealed with a
unique blend of acrylics that ensure that no
matter what type of home you live in, your
furniture will last for years to come.
3Buy Customized Beds in Dubai
4Buy Customized Beds in Dubai
The Customized Bed is a one-of-a-kind piece of
luxury furniture that combines style, comfort,
and art. Choose a decorative paint or stain
color, or use your imagination to find the
perfect pattern to highlight the strength of our
structural steel. The finishes are sealed with a
unique blend of acrylics that ensure that no
matter what type of home you live in, your
furniture will last for years to come.
5Buy Customized Beds in Dubai
6Contact Us
Risala furniture LLCAl Quoz 1 same warehouse
entrance of Mr. CAP Warehouse number 1Dubai -
United Arab Emirates Landline 02-6721444 ,
056-600-9626 04-2959449
Email info_at_bedsdubai.com Website