Title: The Bioeconomy
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2The Bioeconomy- Opportunity and Necessity
L. Erickson, Department of Plant Agriculture
3Manufacturing Materials
-Petroleum -Mining -Forestry
4Plastics and Oil
The actual price of polystyrene and predicted
price based on the price of oil
-from Greg Penner, Ontario Bioproducts Strategy
5Strategy Recycle
- Europe
- 2007 auto makers responsible for disposal of
vehicles built after 1989
- 2006 85 of car parts and materials must be
6Guelph Wet/Dry System
Christmas in Guelph - Before
7Guelph Wet/Dry System
Christmas in Guelph - After
8Torontos Wet/Dry System
9Strategy Renewables
Plant-based feedstocks for materials
-fibres -resins, plastics -adhesives
10Use of Natural Fibres in a North American Auto
Industry Canada estimates the potential use of
natural fibres in the auto industry in N. Am.
could exceed 145,000 tonnes by 2008
-from G. Penner (Ontario Bioproducts Strategy)
11Use of Plant-based Plastics
Polyurethane (foams)
(from petroleum or plants)
Polyurethane represents a key opportunity for
bio-based targeting given the high cost of
existing feedstocks. Polyols are particularly
interesting given the recent upward trend in
prices and their structural similarity to
vegetable oils.
-from G. Penner (Ontario Bioproducts Strategy)
12Environmental Benefits of Renewables
Soy vs Petro Polyols A Life Cycle Comparison
the environmental impact scores for the two soy
polyols showed only about one-quarter the level
of those for the petro polyol
-J. Pollack, Omni-Tech Intl Ltd.
13Fri. Jan. 21 2005 148 PM ET
Farmers block busiest Ontario highway in protest
14Agricultures Dilemma More for Less
Soybean production value in real dollars is
-from G. Penner, Soy 2020, Ann. Rep 2004
15Agriculture and the Bioeconomy
Agriculture, as the form of human activity most
engaged in managing biological systems, is
strategically-positioned for a central position
in this new economy.
16Bioproducts Initiatives at the University of
Novel Materials from Ontario Crop
Plants- Linking Agriculture and Manufacturing to
Create Value and Enhance Sustainability
University of Guelph -Dept of Plant Agriculture
-Dept of Agric Economics
-Dept of Landscape Architecture
University of Waterloo -Dept of Chemical
University of Toronto -Dept of Forestry/Applied
and Chemical Engineering
PSA Composites
17Bioproducts Initiatives at the University of
Novel Materials from Ontario Crop
Plants- Linking Agriculture and Manufacturing to
Create Value and Enhance Sustainability
1. Soy hull composites waste plastic
-PSA Composites, City of Guelph
2. Thermoplastics and fibre from soy stems
3. Thermoset plastics from soy-derived polyols
4. Industrial soy genotypes
18Bioproducts Initiatives at the University of
Novel Materials from Ontario Crop
Plants- Linking Agriculture and Manufacturing to
Create Value and Enhance Sustainability
Funding Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and
Food, Bioproducts Initiative
-Ontario Soybean Growers
19Bioproducts Initiatives at the University of
Centre for Industrial Crop Development
Funding To date 2,000,000 from Ontario
agriculture industry
- Potential -Municipal Green Fund -Ontario
Stewardship Program -Plastics Industry
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