Title: Earth's Spheres
1Earth's Spheres
Part 2
Created by Roberta Layton Armstrong School
2Earth's Spheres
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3 Science
- Content Standard addressed is
- Earth Systems-Physical Systems
- Surface and subsurface water replenish each
other. Human activity and natural events can
affect the quality of the supply. VI A 7 - Students will need Science Journals
4As you look at this terrarium, think about the
water cycle. Describe in your journal how water
moves through this system. Compare this system
to Earths system.
5The water cycle begins with the water in the soil
of the plantevaporation takes place, it
condenses on the top of the jar, and then rains
down on the plant again. On Earth, the process
is the same. In both, the same water is used
over and over. That water is in the atmosphere
and hydrosphere.
End of Activity