Title: What to Expect When Buying a C-Arm in 2022
1What to Expect When Buying a C-Arm in 2022
By Vikki Harmonay
2The year 2022 has been a wild one. The effects on
industry that COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine
have had across the world has not spared the
market for C-Arms and imaging equipment in
general. That being said, now seems like a good
time to explain what is going on in the C-Arm
For starters, the manufacturing shortcomings
worldwide have also hit the market for imaging
equipment. The original equipment manufacturers
(OEMs) have been having difficulty manufacturing
their C-Arms due to an inability to procure all
the parts that are required to build them. As a
result, the OEMs have been selling fewer systems
while taking longer to deliver the systems that
they do sell.
3When OEM sales are down, that also means that
older C-Arms are not being replaced as frequently
which impacts the availability of systems on the
resale market. It is not only the OEMs
that are having difficulties with parts. When a
refurbishment is performed, there are sometimes
parts that do not come straight from the
manufacturer. Two specific parts that are
mandatory for a refurbishment but have recently
been in short supply are batteries and flat
screen monitors. Delays in acquiring necessary
parts can impact the delivery schedule for C-Arms
being sold.
4In addition to a shortage on parts, the high
price on gas has increased both the cost of
shipping the parts needed for C-Arms as well as
the cost of delivering the C-Arms once ready for
shipment. All of these factors have led to a
fluctuation of the sales price of C-Arms
The best thing that you can do if you are in the
market for a C-Arm is to plan out your purchase
well in advance. Where in the past we urged our
customers to place an order for a C-Arm one to
two months prior to needing it, now we are asking
our customers to place their orders two to four
months prior to their start date. This allows us
to find the best C-Arms for our customers while
leaving us plenty of time to source all the
materials needed to make the C-Arm patient ready.
5Basically, now more than ever it is important to
plan out your C-Arm purchase as far in advance as
possible. As always, Atlantis Worldwide is here
and happy to help you make those plans so that
you C-Arm arrives when you need it at a price
that is within your budget. Contact Us Today!
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7You can read this on our website
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