Title: Middle School Opening Celebration
1- Middle School Opening Celebration
- August 25, 2008
to celebrate and recognize - Technology
- Academic and SOL Achievement
- Middle School Schedule
- Response to Intervention
- Defining our Vision for Raising the Achievement
of Middle School Students
4 Response to Intervention (RtI)
- RtI is
- a general education instructional framework
- a three-tiered instructional approach
- a systematic evaluation of struggling students
- RtI is NOT
- a sentence for struggling students
- another program for low academic students
5 Response to Intervention (RtI)
- RtI is
- a right to quality instruction for all learners
- a shared responsibility
- part of the strategic plan
6RtI Matters
- Addresses Overrepresentation of
- students in special education
- minorities in special education
- males in special education
7RtI Impacts
- schools with high-needs population
- schools that have 2 of their population referred
for special education - schools that have over-representation of students
from minority groups in special education - schools that have under-representation of
minority students in gifted programs
8RtI Impacts
- schools that did not make Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP) or who made AYP and desire
continuous improvement for all students in the
learning community - schools that have disproportionate numbers of
discipline referrals, suspensions, and/or
9Fidelity of Implementation
10Fidelity (n) strict adherence to implementation
of program components
11Fidelity of Implementation
- instruction is intentional and evidenced based
- data is analyzed to determine instructional
interventions - Progress is frequently monitored in a responsible
and reliable manner
12Ensuring Implementation Fidelity
- Match Faculty Performance Objectives and
Evaluation -
- Provide Data Driven Support Systems
- Provide Professional Development
- Provide Central Office Support
13Implementation of RtI
- Three phases over FIVE years
- Exploration
- Implementation
- Sustainability and Evaluation
141. Exploration Phase (1 or 2 years)
- Review best practices
- Identify materials
- Review universal screening assessment tools
- Provide professional development on progress
monitoring and curriculum based measurement tools
(CBMs) - Create monitoring forms
- Select professionals to serve on the RtI school
152. Implementation Phase(1 or 2 years)
- Administer identified universal screening
assessments in reading and mathematics - Ensure that instruction is intentional and
evidence based - Use data to determine instructional interventions
- Monitor progress regularly in a responsible and
reliable manner
163. Sustainability and Evaluation Phase (ongoing)
- Ensure instruction is intentional and evidenced
based - Evaluate faculty performance that include matched
objectives - Support data driven assessment systems
- Provide ongoing professional development
- Monitor student performance
17Guiding Questions for Each Tier
- What do we want students to learn?
- How do we authentically engage students in the
learning? - How do we know if students learn what we intend?
- What do we do with students who have learned the
curriculum and those who have not?
18The 3 Tiers of RtI
- Instruction and Intervention
20Tier 1 Interventions
- Instruction
- Research Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS)
- Direct Vocabulary Instruction
- Socratic Seminars
- AVID Strategies
- Multicultural Education
- Great Books Strategies
- AP Strategies (Taft Institute)
- Balanced Literacy and Reading Differentiation
- Common Lesson and Assessment Planning
- Flexible grouping in math and reading
- Inquiry based instruction
21Successful Tier 1 Instruction
- 75-85 of students meet
- instructional expectations!
22TIER 2
23Tier 2
24Tier 2 Interventions
- Instruction/Interventions can include
- After-School Remediation
- Inclusion Collaboration
- Intervention (Grades 6-8) 45-90 minutes
- Math Groups (Grades K-8) Math Specialist
- Small group daily intervention
- English Language Learning (ELL)
25TIER 3
26Tier 3
27Results of Tier 3
- Identify which students have successful or
unsuccessful response to instruction (RtI) - Sort students who need further help
- Decide which students are helped in general
education - Decide which students need evaluation for special
28Benefits of RtI
- Earlier identification
- Earlier correction of difficulties
- Enhanced communication between home and school
- Parents are informed more frequently of their
childs progress - More frequent home-school collaboration allows
parents to become meaningful participants
29Benefits of RtI
- Provides collaborative assistance to teachers
- Identifies prevention efforts needed for children
entering Kindergarten - Coordinates existing intervention efforts (i.e.
Child Study, SOL remediation) - Communicates schools expectations for monitoring
of student performance
30Key ComponentsOf RtI
- Universal screening
- Progress monitoring
- Curriculum based measurements
31Universal Screening
- Description
- Involves assessments of all students performance
usually 3x a year - W-JCC will begin with universal screening 2x a
year (fall and spring) using PALS in grades K-2
and the Stanford Diagnostic Test in reading and
mathematics for students in grades 1-8 - SOL and Quarterly assessments, and classroom data
collected by teachers will also be used to
provide a complete picture of the students
32Progress Monitoring
- Provides ongoing, systematic method of
collecting data to determine the academic,
social, or behavioral performance of a student - Is used throughout all tiers, but
- particularly in Tiers 2 and 3
33Progress Monitoring
- Documents student learning over time to
determine progress and intervention effectiveness - Involves a formative evaluation process
- Analyzes repeated data collections of student
performance (2-3x per wk) - Provides tiered interventions based on student
34What are Curriculum Based Measurements (CBMS)?
- CBMs are a set of data collection tools derived
directly from the curriculum that the student is
expected to learn.
35Benefits of Curriculum Based Measurements
- Aligns instruction and assessment
- Fosters data-driven instruction
- Aids students motivation by students plotting
their progress - CBM is directly tied to the curriculum
36RtI - Three Tiers of Instruction Elementary
School Plan
- Tier 1 gtWhole School -entire school understands
and uses research-based instructional strategies. - Tier 2gtSmall Group -entire faculty understands
and uses research-based instructional strategies
and can deliver appropriate intervention
strategies. In addition, specialists provides
supplemental services. - Tier 3gtIndividual Student -student receives
supplemental services based on the School RTI
Teams individual learning plan that includes
professionals responsible for the learners
37RtI Three Tiers of Instruction Middle School
- Tier 1 gtWhole School -entire school understands
and uses research-based instructional strategies. - Tier 2 gtSmall Group -entire faculty understands
and uses research-based instructional strategies
and can deliver appropriate intervention
strategies. - Tier 3 gtIndividual Student -student receives
services based on the problem-solving model of
the professionals responsible for the learners
38Division Plan
- Devise forms to evaluate materials
- Utilize Academic Services to monitor data from
the schools - Coordinate training on CBMs and Progress
Monitoring - Assist in devising monitoring forms
- Catalog purchase materials
- Evaluate year 1 implementation
39Year 1 Expectation at School
- Identify current interventions
- Training and Professional Development in RtI
approaches and interventions - Training and Development with Renaissance
Learning to support our teachers - Continued work with middle school program to
monitor the progress of students and teachers - Focus Groups to offer feedback for improvement of
RtI - Refinement of data collection and CBMs
40Year 1 Central Office Support
- Observe Tier 1, 2, and 3 instruction
- Develop a structured classroom observation
protocol - Create a form to evaluate RtI materials
- Distribute articles and other information to
schools - Assist in developing forms to monitor student
progress - Support and Assist faculty and administration at
all three middle schools in RtI approach through
the new master schedule