Title: NASMD Fall Meeting
1Special Needs Plan Overview
- NASMD Fall Meeting
- Coordination of Duals and SNPs
- November 13, 2008
- Valerie Wilbur, Vice President, NHPG
- Co-Chair, SNP Alliance
2SNP Alliance
- Strategic alliance of SNP leaders, including all
SNP types, plans from specialty care demo
predecessors, and affiliations among key dual
integration States. - Our mission is to improve the long-term business
viability of Special Needs Plans. - Our policy priorities include improving
risk-adjusted financing for high-risk
beneficiaries, integration of Medicare and
Medicaid, and improved performance measurement
for chronically ill beneficiaries. - Membership by invitation requires application
process and agreement to SNP Alliance quality
3Session Focus
- SNP overview
- MIPPA reforms and new requirements
- Status of SNP-State contracting HHS study
- Status of SNPs SNP Alliance Profile and
Advanced Practice Survey
4Special Needs Plans (Definition)
- Any MA Coordinated Care Plan that exclusively or
disproportionately enrolls beneficiaries who - Are institutionalized or need an equivalent level
of care in the community - Are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid or
- Have severe or disabling chronic conditions.
5Congressional Intent
- Single umbrella for expiring demos for special
needs beneficiaries. - Vehicle for promoting specialization for
high-risk beneficiaries. - Vehicle for aligning Medicare Medicaid policy.
62003 MMA Authority
- Primary authority linked to enrollment options.
- Limited enrollment to target populations.
- Limited subsets of target populations.
- Existing law (not MMA) provided open enrollment
for duals and institutionalized. - SNP regs also created one time SEP for C-SNP
enrollees. - Requirement to offer Part D benefits.
- No differentiated payment for high-risk.
- No contract or Medicaid benefit rules for D-SNP.
- No specific definition for severe or disabling
for C-SNP. - Statutory authority originally expired 12/31/08 .
7SNP Profile
Growth in Number of SNPs
- About 160 MAOs offer SNPs.
- 1.3 million enrolled in 769 SNPs.
- 70 in D-SNPs, 20 in C-SNPs and 10 in I-SNPs.
- Over half of MAOs offer SNPs.
- Half of SNPs had less than 500 enrollees in late
8Key SNP Success Factors
- Advancing SNP authority through targeting and
specialization. - Ensuring payment equity for high-risk
beneficiaries. - Advancing alignment of Medicare Medicaid
policy. - Promoting appropriate performance measurement.
9 MIPPA Raises Bar on SNPs
- Strengthens SNP Targeting of Special Needs,
including 100 enrollment of target population. - Adds new requirements for complex care management
and specialization. - Adds validation rule for institutional SNPs.
- Requires Medicaid contracts/transparency for
D-SNPs. - Clarifies expectations for Chronic SNP
enrollment. - Establishes MA marketing protections inconsistent
with nature of special needs populations.
10MIPPA Requirements Care Management
- Evidence-based model of care.
- Appropriate networks of providers specialists.
- Initial and annual assessment of physical,
psychosocial, functional needs. - Individual care plans with goals objectives,
measurable outcomes, specific benefits
services, with beneficiary input. - Interdisciplinary teams for care management.
11MIPPA Requirements I-SNPs
- Validation of institutional level of care status
for those served in community - Using state-based assessment tool
- Conducted by entity other than plan sponsor.
12MIPPA Requirements C-SNPs
- Beneficiaries who have one or more comorbid and
medically complex chronic conditions that are
substantially disabling or life threatening, have
a high risk of hospitalization or other
significant adverse health outcomes, and require
specialized delivery systems across domains of
care. - Clinical Advisory Panel issued recommendations
about 15 disease categories that meet MIPPA
13C-SNP Eligibility
- Chronic alcohol and other drug dependence
- Autoimmune disorders limited to specific
conditions - Cancer excluding pre-cancer conditions or in-situ
status - Cardiovascular disorders limited to certain
conditions. - Chronic heart failure
- Dementia
- Diabetes mellitus
- End-stage liver disease
- End-stage renal disease
- Severe hematologic disorders
- Chronic lung disorders
- Chronic and disabling mental health conditions
- Neurologic disorders
- Stroke
14MIPPA Requirements Dual SNPs
- Medicaid contract mandate for D-SNPs
- Effective 2010 for new D-SNPs and SAEs.
- Existing D-SNPs waived in 2010 for current plans.
- Comprehensive written statement of benefits and
cost-sharing protections under Title XIX. - Limits on Dual Cost-Sharing for all MA plans.
- CMS resources for state inquires on coordination
of Federal and state SNP policies.
15Medicaid Contract Mandate
- Requires SNPs to provide or arrange to be
provided benefits individuals are entitled to
receive as medical assistance under Title XIX. - CMS expects SNPs to provide meaningful
coordination of Medicaid benefits. - CMS is not expected to require SNPs to provide
benefits directly, subcontract with another
entity, or have a financial relationship with
states. - CMS recognizes tremendous variation across states
and is expected to allow SNPs and states to
negotiate contract coverage consistent with state
16Medicaid Contract Issues
- CMS auditing of meaningful coordination.
- CMS requirements for contract execution that
conflict with state procurement schedules CMS
will address conflicts on case-by-case basis. - Differences in state interest and capacity to
contract with duals. - CMS level of support in implementing MIPPA
requirement for state support on integration.
17MIPPA Marketing Issues
- Direct mail marketing methods doesnt work for
SNPs. - SNIs dont access information like non-SNIs
often dont receive or read mail, lack internet
access, etc. - SNIs often dont have the ability to make own
decisions, or track down and evaluate health
options independently. - Low-literacy, language barriers result in
communications challenges conflicting with
contact, appointment, meals rules. - Multiple involvement in decisions, guardians hard
to find. - Marketing and education venues conflict with meal
prohibitions. - Flexibility needed to accommodate nature of SNP
population and greater use of trusted advisors in
plan evaluation and enrollment process.
- Raises the bar on SNP targeting and
specialization. - Clarifies original intent of Congress re C-SNPs.
- Addresses consumer concerns regarding
transparency and focus of Dual SNPs. - Separates serious players from spectators.
- Provides additional momentum for MMI, if
implemented recognizing state realities. - Likely will slow growth in number of new plans.
- Lays groundwork for SNP permanence by raising the
19HHS Study of SNP-State Contracts
- Based on analysis of 209 SNP applications for
contract year 2008. - SNP contract status
- 25 of SNP respondents had contracts
- 11 of SNP respondents had contracts pending
- 63 of SNP respondents had no contracts
- State contract status
- 15 states had contracts (AL, AZ, CA, FL, ID, MA,
MI, MN, NJ, OR, TN, TX, WI, PR) - 2 states had contracts pending (LA, NM)
- 35 states had no contracts
20Enrollee and Geographic Distribution
- Distribution of duals served by D-SNPs with state
contracts - 9 all duals
- 32 full duals
- 55 subsets
- 4 zero cost-sharing
- Geographic distribution of SNPs with contracts
- 6 statewide
- 22 single county
- 72 multi county
21D-SNP Coordination with States
- D-SNPs with contracts
- 76 use dedicated staff to coordinate services
and access to Medicaid benefits - 4 use dedicated staff to coordinate care, but no
mention of helping with Medicaid and other
service access - 9 offered generalizations about coordination of
services - D-SNPs without contracts
- 92 intend to work with states to help access
Medicaid benefits and coordinate care (via
contracts (11), helping duals access Medicaid
benefits (69), coordination on cost-sharing or
Medicaid eligibility verification (5)) - 7 do not intend to work with states
22SNP Alliance Profile Advanced Practices
- SNP Alliance member survey of 2005-07 data.
- 17 MAOs representing 250 plans and 310,000
beneficiaries. - Key areas of inquiry
- Are SNPs targeting high-risk subgroups?
- Are SNPs doing anything special?
- Are SNPs making a positive difference?
23SNP Alliance Beneficiary Risk Profile
- 40 higher risk scores than Medicare FFS and MA
plans. - 60 more HCCs than Medicare FFS.
- Significantly higher rates of mental health
disorders and behavioral problems. - Significantly more socio-economic issues.
- 29 lower inpatient bed days, adjusting for
health risk, across SNP types.
24SNP Alliance Added Value
- Enrollment of most difficult-to-care-for
populations. - Common theme is treatment of whole person.
- Health risk assessments conducted on all members.
- Ongoing care coordination typically provided to
all beneficiaries in some fashion. - High-touch approach to care management.
- Greater use of geriatricians, NPs, other
specialists. - Richer drug benefits for specific conditions.
- Intensive focus on medication management.
25SNP Alliance Added Value Cont.
- Inter-relationships among mental, behavioral,
physical health major component of SNP care
management activities for most SNPs. - Caregivers are key stakeholders in care planning
process, often actively participate in assessment
and care plan development. - Care managers serve as caregiver liaison, provide
support, education training, arrange respite,
etc. - Establish strong rapport with members, often
lifetime involvement and special attention to end
of life care. - Extensive use of HCBS and non-traditional
Medicare services, e.g., accessing meals,
housing, legal aid, etc.
26SNP Gold Standards
- Consumer Empowerment to enable persons with
serious chronic conditions and family caregivers
to optimize health and well being based on values
and preferences - Specialized Care Systems Expertise to ensure
benefits are designed to accommodate unique needs
of high risk groups. - High-Risk Screening, Assessment, Care Management
Process to ensure access to the right care at the
right time at the right place with focus on
delaying disability progression. - Aligned Care Providers to address
multidimensional needs of chronic care
beneficiaries across time, place, setting. - System Management Methods to enable all providers
serving a common population to work
collaboratively to optimize quality, performance
and outcomes for high risk beneficiaries.
27Advancing SNP-State Partnerships
- Incentives
- Simplify consumer access to benefits.
- Coordinate all Medicare Medicaid benefits
administrative efficiency, improve outcomes, cost
control. - Extend coverage of dental, vision, HCBS.
- Simplify, stabilize Medicare cost-sharing via
capitation. - Strategies
- CMS support of dual initiatives.
- Establish Federal financial support for states.
- Partnerships for outreach, education, program
development and refinement among SNPs, states,
CMS, consumers.
28For More Information
- Valerie Wilbur
- Vice-President, NHPG
- Co-Chair, SNP Alliance
- 202-624-1508
- vswilbur_at_nhpg.org