Title: Budget Hotel in Chandigarh- Hotel City Heart Premium
1Hotel City Heart- Budget Hotels in Chandigarh
2Hotel City Heart, is a leading economy hotel
Chain, in the City Beautiful
(UT of India), is situated a stone's throw from
the city's shopping and entertainment districts
of Chandigarh.
Easy to reach from Airport Railway Station
3Royal Suite Room
4Royal Suite Room Features
- King Size Bed
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
- 32" LED
- Balcony
- Privacy for work
- Desktop work space
- Entertainment Indian Magazines
- Phone with free local calls
- Sofa
- Table Lamp
- Tea Kettle
- Bed room separated from sitting area
- Dining Table
5Super Deluxe Room
6Grand Deluxe Room Features
- DoubleSize Bed
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
- 32" LED
- Sofa
- Work effortlessly in the cleverly
- designed work space
- Privacy for work
- Entertainment Indian
- Magazines
- Table Lamp
- Tea Kettle
- Phone with free local calls
- Balcony
7Honeymoon Suite Room
8Honeymoon Suite Room Features
- King Size Bed
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
- 32" LED
- Work effortlessly in the cleverly designed work
space - Privacy for work
- Entertainment Indian Magazines
- Table Lamp
- Tea Kettle
- Bathroom with Bath tub
- Dining Table
- Bed room separated from sitting area
- Phone with free local calls
9SCO 202-203-204,Andhra Bank Building, Bridge
Road, 17C, Chandigarh, 160017 9872860526, 0172
272 4203 hotelcityheart43_at_gmail.com https//www.
hotelcityheartpremium.com/ https//www.facebook.c
om/cityheartpremium/ https//www.instagram.com/ci