Title: Facts You Should Know About Medical Abortion Pills
1Facts You Should Know About Medical Abortion
- 3 out of 5 women find the medical
termination process to be easier to perform on
their own. It is the most convenient method to
end an unwanted pregnancy. However, before you
plan to buy abortion pills online remember to
gather all the relevant information. Here we
listed a few facts that you should know about
abortion pills. -
4What is a medical abortion?
- Medical abortion involves the
administration of two pills, Mifepristone, and
Misoprostol, which are usually referred to as
"abortion pills." Mifepristone is the first
abortion pill that works by blocking progesterone
to stop fetus growth, and Misoprostol then
induces contraction, removing the fetus from the
uterus. These are FDA-approved abortion pills and
can be taken safely during a gestation period of
8 weeks or 56 days.
5Is the abortion pill is same as plan B or
morning-after pills?
6Is the abortion pill safe to use?
- Medical termination pills are extremely
safe to use, even on your own. The serious side
effects are very rare. Fewer than 0.4 percent of
women have had a negative impact on their health
due to these pills.
7How effective is the abortion pill?
- Medical abortion is the most time-efficient
method of termination. When Mifepristone and
Misoprostol pills are used together, they have a
98 percent success rate in terminating unwanted
pregnancies within 7 to 14 days. However, the
efficiency of these medicines differs depending
on your physique, gestation period, and dosage
8Can you take only Misoprostol pills to get a
medical abortion?
- Misoprostol alone can end a pregnancy up
to 85 to 90 percent of the time, requiring you to
take another dosage. However, if you take four
Misoprostol tablets with one mifepristone pill,
the fetal termination will be more effective and
convenient for you.
9- Do you need to take any tests before getting a
medical abortion?
10Is there any need to prepare for abortion?
- In the event of bleeding or cramps, use a
heating pad and absorbent maxi pads.
- If necessary, a neighbour or other support
person can assist.
- Simple crackers, white rice, bananas,
broth, and plain white bread, as well as some ice
chips and/or popsicles, are easy-to-digest foods.
11What does the abortion process feel?
- Medical abortion has a relatively
straightforward method. Most people who utilize
abortion pills, on the other hand, will have
symptoms such as heavy bleeding, cramps, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and
- Email Id - support_at_pillsonlinerx.com
- Website -www.pillsonlinerx.com