Title: Complexities: a few design challenges
1Complexities a few design challenges
Eric Monteiro, Norwegian U. of Science and
Technology and U. of Oslo Summer 2002
- IS a personal version
- Increasing complexities
- Global work an example
3Surprises, always surprises
in use
use, over time
- supporting, extending, augmenting
- Essentially an assumption about keeping rest
constant! - 1 1 2 transformation! (Latour, M. Berg)
5Follow the tool
- Use of singular tools, NOT use of collection
- Integration/ ALIGNMENT
- The INTERLEAVING of tools fluid work
6The problem with situated action
- Local, situated,contextual,
- Disembedding impossible (apparently)
- Local global (Latour)
7No dot.com
- Handcraft, engineering, quality
- Ship equipment
- diesel engines
- gears
- propellers and thrusters
- deck machinery
- rudders
- steering/automation
8Tradition, pride and identity
- Rolls-Royce aquired Vickers Ulstein in 2000
- Vickers merged with Ulstein (N) in 1999
- Vickers aquired Kamewa (S) and AquaMaster(F) in
1986 - Ulstein (N) aquired several vendors in the 80s
- Ulstein is major hub of Norways maritime cluster
9Competition collaboration
Dont keep saying My propeller is better than
yours. Try saying We supply the
best propellers in the world! Sales Manager
10Global Support Network (GSN)
- 500 of 5000 in Rolls-Royce Marine (and 55000 in
RR) - In 33 countries, representing 23 sites of
production - Cuts across the three key suppliers
- 3 activities
- new sales
- service
- spare parts
11A strategic advantage
Local presence is the companys
greatest differentiator in the market. The fact
that we have the largest ground force in the
market is one of our key strategic advantages a
key objective is tobuild local
customer relationships
12Local presence (conted)
With offices in 33 countries, Rolls-Royce offers
an unequalled global marine support capability.
This international presence is strengthened by a
team of more than 500 personnel, of whom over
300 are service engineers. Such an organisation
is unique in the world today RRMs strategy is
to get closer to the customer, beginning with a
commitment to embrace local languages and
cultures wherever practical.
13Uniform (I) pricing
RRM has decided that GSN should buy
everything through the production units. This
causes problems, especially when the customer
know that they can buy it locally at a better
price. Is that customer focus?! Its disasterous
for our reputation
14Dis-embedded (I)
The production sites are reluctant to share the
information with us, even when this had made
life a lot easier for us and for them. This is
how its always been. Some of the sites are good
at sending updated information while this
pointing on the screen is a list from 1998. To
work around the problems, we make use of old
orders to look up prices, possibly updating
these from our private archives Internally at
the production sites they have electronic access
to all information, also the drawings. But we
are cut off from this
15Dis-embedded (II)
We experience that we are not trusted by the
production sites, that we are perceived as
being on the side of the customers. We end up
getting caught in the middle, between the
customers and home and this applies for 20
of our registred service jobs! In 2000,
800.000 was written off due to these kinds of
conflicts. Every one of them start when we bill
the customer, who declines fiercely, threatening
to go to court if necessary
16The reflexivity boomerang
- Trust via control oriented means
- Trust as a performed achievement
- fragile
- ongoing and provisional
- contingent
- emotional
- tied with identity formation
The expansion and heightening of the intention
of control ultimately ends up producing the
opposite (Beck, 19949)
17Anxiety, identity
I get the feeling they the production sites at
home are afraid we may misuse the information
about products, prices. We feel a bit like
step-children. They dont want to share the
information, a bit like its mine, its not
yours and knowledge is power and we dont want
you to become powerful