Title: C Q: Why did the French
1C Q Why did the French Indian War change
American life?
2North America in 1750
31754 ? The First Clash
The Ohio Valley
Fort Necessity Fort
Duquesne George Washington
Delaware Shawnee
41754 ? Albany Plan of Union
Ben Franklin ? representatives from
New England, NY, MD, PA
Albany Congress ? failed how/why?
5British-American Colonial Tensions
- March in formation or bayonet charge.
- Indian-style guerilla tactics.
Methods ofFighting
- Br. officers wanted to take charge of
- Col. militias served under own captains.
- No mil. deference or protocols observed.
- Colonists should pay for their own defense.
- Resistance to rising taxes.
- Prima Donna Br. officers with servants
tea settings.
- Casual, non-professionals.
61757 ? William Pitt Becomes Prime Minister
Why did this prove to be so important?
Why did he decide to focus on winning the war in
North America?
71758-1761 ? The Tide Turns for England
By 1761, Sp. has become an ally of Fr.
81763 ? Treaty of Paris
France --gt lost her Canadian possessions, most of
her empire in India, and claims to lands east of
the Mississippi River.
Spain --gt got all French lands west of the
Mississippi River, New Orleans, but lost Florida
to England.
England --gt got all French lands in Canada,
exclusive rights to Caribbean slave trade, and
commercial dominance in India.
9North America in 1763
10Effects of the War on Britain?
1. It increased her colonial empire in the
2. It greatly enlarged Englands debt.
3. Britains contempt for the colonials
created bitter feelings.
Therefore, England felt that amajor
reorganization of her American Empire was
11Effects of the War on the American Colonials
1. It united them against a common enemy for
the first time.
2. It created a socializing experience for
all the colonials who participated.
3. It created bitter feelings towards the
British that would only intensify.
12The Aftermath Tensions Along the Frontier
1763 ? Pontiacs Rebellion
The NEW Power Game
13Pontiacs Rebellion (1763)
British ? Proclamation Line of 1763.
Why would this have been significant?
15Was 1763 a "turning point" in
British-colonial relationships???
16George Grenvilles Program, 1763-1764 why?
- Revenue/Sugar Act - 1764
- Why?
- Whom did it impact?
- Why was it not grounds for revolution?
- Franklin Philosophy
17CQ Review Why did the French Indian War mark a
critical moment for American dualism?
Was 1763 a "turning point" in
British-colonial relationships???
- Pojer, Sue. PowerPoint Palooza The French and
Indian War. 12 September 2006 lthttp//historyteac
her.net/PPTPortalPage.htmgt. - 12 September 2006.
19CQ Where Why did tensions escalate between
20Stamp Act Crisis, 1765
Stamp Act v. Sugar Act
Stamp Act Resolves 1765
Sons of Liberty- Samuel AdamsStamp Act Congress-
Declaratory Act 1766
21Theories of Representation
Real Whigs
Q-gt What was the extent of Parliaments
authority over the colonies??
OR Limited?
Q-gt Actual v. Virtual Representation?
22Townshend Duties Crisis 1767-1770
1767 ? William Pitt, P. M. Charles
Townshend, Secretary of the Exchequer.
What did the new duties tax? What did John
Dickinson argue? Why? Why did the paying of
governors salaries create such a furor? What
measures did the British Government take to quell
23Non-Imporation Agreements
24The Boston Massacre (March 5,1770)
25CQ ReviewIn 1770, was the American Revolution
26BibliographyPojer, Sue. PowerPoint Palooza The
French and Indian War. 12 September 2006
12 September 2006.