Title: Rohit Jawa - Certified And Licensed Software Developer (1)
1Rohit Jawa
Certified And Licensed Software Developer
From A Top U.S. College Rohit Jawa graduated from
a top U.S. college with the highest honors,
Summa Cum Laude. He is a certified and licensed
Android Software Developer and has worked on
several projects.
3Focus On Robotics
Rohit Jawa is an experienced software developer
who would like to focus his work on personal
robotics in the future. He build a cheap
personal robot.
4Creates Android Applications
- Build A Personal Robot
- Rohit Jawa is a certified and licensed software
developer who creates Android applications. He
would like to build a personal robot in the
future that is cheap enough to be purchased by
many families.
5Software Development Experience
Rohit Jawa has six years of software development
experience, including extensive mobile app
development experience for Android devices.
6Visit To Know More -
https//soundcloud.com/rohitjawa https//www.dibiz
.com/rohitjawaca https//www.behance.net/rohitjaw
7Rohit Jawa