Title: Rob de Leeuw
1Experiences with Database Driven 2D and 3D
- Rob de Leeuw
- Sr. Manufacturing IT Analyst
- Lyondell Chemical Company
- Introduction to Lyondell
- 3D 2D experience
- Background
- Why maintain 3D model after construction
- Impressions
- Benefits
- Challenges Difficulties
- Future within Lyondell
- Questions
3Introduction to Lyondell - Fast facts
- One of the worlds 10 largest chemical companies
- Operations on five continents
- Approximately 10,000 employees
- 18.6 billion in consolidated 2005 revenues
- Including 100 of LCR, combined revenues would
have been 24 billion - Leading capacity positions in all major products
- A Fortune 500 company
4Introduction to Lyondell Reportable Segments
- Lyondell intermediate chemicals and derivatives
Propylene oxide and related products
Ethylene, co-products and derivatives
Inorganic chemicals
(Flavors Fragrances)
Not a reportable segment
53D 2D experience - Background
- Recent Capital Projects
- Botlek BDO-2 plant
- Plant startup in 2001
- 3D engineered using Aveva PDMS
- Lyondell experience minimal
- No specs / requirements defined by Lyondell
- Engineering contractor specs/requirements
- 2D done without database oriented system
63D 2D experience - Background
- Recent Capital Projects (2)
- Maasvlakte PO-11 plant (50 owned by Bayer)
- Plant startup in 2003
- 3D engineered using Aveva PDMS
- Learned from BDO-2 results to define specs
- 2D engineered with multiple systems
- End result delivered in Intergraph Smartplant
PID - Converted to CEA Plant4D PID
73D 2D experience - Background
- What is contained in the 3D models / databases?
- Piping
- /- 18.000 Isometrics for the PO-11 plant
- /- 17.000 Isometrics for the BDO-2 plant
- Equipment Static and Rotating
- Instrumentation and control valves
- Cable trays
- Structural Steel
- Buildings
- What is contained in 2D schematics / database
- /- 450 PIDs for the PO-11 plant
- Equipment, Line, Instrumentation and Valve data
83D 2D experience Why maintain after
- 3D models database
- Cost for maintaining As Built 3D model slightly
higher - Expected pay back
- Major projects / revamps
- Turn around preparations
- 2D schematics database
- Data validation with SAP and Intergraph INTools
- Using AutoCAD as database front-end
- Unlimited undo and improved reliability
93D 2D Experience Impressions 1
103D 2D Experience Impressions 2
113D 2D Experience Impressions 3
123D 2D Experience Impressions 4
133D 2D Experience - Benefits
- 3D Models
- Turn around / revamp preparations
- Locating Relief Valves by querying database
- Assigning wall thickness measurement points on
18.000 isometrics was a matter of hours not
months - Data consistency Line List 3D model
- Snapshots for Construction Work Packages
- Backgrounds for 2D CAD drawings (plot plan and
143D 2D Experience - Benefits
- 2D schematics in Plant4D
- Improved data consistency (line list, equipment
list etc) - Navigating through components on a PID
- Reporting
- Unlimited undo for AutoCAD interface
153D experience Challenges Difficulties
- No version control
- As Built / To Built complicated to manage
- Managing Publication in DMS done in batches
instead of triggered - It takes a different level of draftsmen and
engineers - 3D tool mainly used in internal
project/engineering office, not (yet) for
maintenance and reliability departments - Niche applications, small market acceptance
compared to AutoCAD (for example) - Finding qualified contractors to operate the
163D 2D Future within Lyondell
- As Built / To Built / project support for Plant4D
PID system - Further integration with SAP and Documentum DMS
- Engineering Data Warehouse
- Extending the usage outside the internal
project/engineering office - Web based access tools
- Will it be recognized as Strategic Direction?
- New plants?
- Existing plants?
17What about you?
- Are you willing to bet that your Process Safety
Critical Information is accurate today?