Title: Fault Detection, Identification, and Handling for Automated Vehicles
1Fault Detection, Identification, and Handling
for Automated Vehicles
Adam Howell Prof. Karl Hedrick Department of
Mechanical Engineering University of California,
Berkeley MOU 312, 373
Jingang Yi Prof. Roberto Horowitz
- Fault Detection and Identification
- Dedicated Observers
- Detection and Identification Algorithms
- SmartAHS simulation
- Fault Management
- FDIM architecture
- Simulation Results
- Conclusions Future Work
3Fault Detection and Identification System
Observers Detection Filters
Pattern Classification System
Communication, Sensor Measurements, Command Inputs
Change Detector
Residual Generator
Parity Equations
Fault Status
4Motivation for Dedicated Observers
- Previous design (Rajamani,98) based on intuitive
knowledge about system - Detection and ID of all single faults
- Few classes of multiple faults identifiable
- Dedicated observers provide
- Detection of multiple sensor faults
- Simplified detection and ID
- Redundancy for controller reconfiguration
5Dedicated Observer
Dedicated Observer 1
Automated Vehicle
Dedicated Observer 2
Residual Generator
Dedicated Observer 3
Dedicated Observer 4
Dedicated Observer 5
- Residual vector element ri created by comparing
estimate to all others, i.e.
6Feedback Linearized Vehicle Model
- Multiple Sliding Surface controller for internal
dynamics results in overall linear vehicle model - Input usyn chosen to provide string stability
- Convert to state space model and design linear
observers to estimate using input u and a
single output (a, d, v, Dn, we)
7Relationship between Faults and Residuals
- Dedicated Observers create orthogonal fault modes
for all sensors - All single faults identifiable
- Actuator fault modes and sensor fault modes are
linearly dependent
8Change detection using Significance Test
- Assume residual vector r is a random vector with
a Gaussian distribution characterized by m and C - Mahalanobis Distance
- Two Hypothesis
- Normal
- Fault
9Fault Identification via Pattern Classification
- Each fault causes to grow in a unique
direction of the residual space, termed fault
mode - Compare known fault mode,
, to residual vector after change
detected - Minimum Distance Classifier
Residual 1
Residual 2
10SmartAHS Simulation Environment
- SHIFT programming language developed at PATH
- Natural modeling of hybrid systems in state
machine formalism - Object oriented programming
- SmartAHS libraries contain
- Vehicle Models 3D, 2D, Simple, Double Integrator
- Controllers Automated, Human Driver Model
- Highway Lanes, Segments, Curves
11PATHVehicle type
Data Acquistion
Vehicle Model
Command Inputs
Sampled Measurements
Control System
Communicated Measurements
12ControlSystem type
Command Messages
Coordination Layer
Regulation Layer
Desired Acceleration and Lateral Position
Fault Status
Actuator Commands
Actuator Commands
Lower Level Controller
FDI System
13Simulation Results for Wheel Speed Sensor Fault
- Wheel Speed Sensor faults of bias 3 and 6 m/s
at 5 and 6 seconds, respectively
14Simulation Results for Magnetometer Fault
- Magnetometer faults of bias 2 and 4 counts at 5
and 6 seconds, respectively
15Simulation Results for Magnetometer and Wheel
Speed Sensor Faults
- Wheel Speed Sensor faults at 5 and 6 seconds,
followed by Magnetometer faults at 5.5 and 6.5
16Fault Tolerant AHS Control Structure
For fault tolerant AHS we need1
- Capability structure monitor hard faults
- Performance structure monitor soft faults
- Sensor structure collect information
- Control structure execute maneuvers
1 Lygeros et al., 1996
17Extended AHS Architecture
Link Layer
Coordination Layer
Coordination Supervisor
Capa. Perf. Structures
Neighboring Vehicles
Fault Detection and Handling
Controller Reconfiguration
Regulation Layer
Regulation Supervisor
Regulation Control Laws
Fault Detection
Physical Layer
Lower-Level Controllers
Vehicle Dynamics
18Hierarchical Fault Management Design
All faults can be handled using one of two
- Regulation level control reconfiguration
- for soft faults and sensor faults for which we
can use redundant sensor/observer information - Coordinated degraded mode maneuvers
- for severe faults that cannot be recovered by
controller reconfigurations (e.g. actuator
19Design and Implementation in SmartAHS
Assumption Only ONE fault happens at a time
- Use normal mode and degraded mode regulation
control laws based on Li et al., 1997 Swaroop,
1994 Chen et al., 1997 - Extend coordination maneuver protocols Hsu et
al., 1994 Eskafi, 1996 including a simplified
communication model - Extend coordination supervisor to handle
different faults when faults are detected
20Design and Implementation in SmartAHS (cont)
- Implement and test the hierarchical fault
handling architecture for all longitudinal
control faults in AHS - SmartAHS Micro-simulator
- hybrid automata simulation language SHIFT
- flexible and easily expandable
- compatible with SmartPATH animator
21Design and Implementation (cont) - example
capability structure design for normal mode
22Simulation Results - scenario 1 radar fault
23Simulation Results - radar fault (cont)
(a) Relative distance
(b) Relative velocity
24Simulation Results (cont)
(c) Absolute velocity
(d) Absolute acceleration
25Simulation Results - scenario 2 throttle
actuator fault
26Simulation Results - throttle act. fault (cont)
(a) Relative distance
(b) Absolute velocity
27Simulation Results - throttle act. fault (cont)
(c) Absolute acceleration
(d) Road lateral position
- Current fault detection and identification scheme
can identify all single sensor and actuator
faults, and up to 6 concurrent multiple sensor
faults - Current fault management scheme can handle all
faults currently being detected on vehicles for
longitudinal control system - Different kinds of control strategies are needed
for different faults - Redundant information for fault detection can be
used to reconfigure the controllers for most
sensor failures - Degraded mode maneuvers have been initiated for
actuator faults
29Future Work
- Extend current FDI system for multiple failures
in both sensors and actuators - Improve robustness of FDI system to speed
- Integrate the performance structure into the
fault tolerant control architecture - Integrate the lateral fault detection and
handling scheme into the extended fault tolerant
architecture - Implement and test the fault handling scheme on
the real automated vehicles