Title: The state of Science in Society research
1The state of Science in Society research
- Arie Rip(University of Twente)
2Not just the SiS program
- Science (and Technoscience) in Society
- Science Technology Studies (including history
and philosophy) - Science, Technology and Society studies
- Science, Technology and Innovation Policy studies
( Governance) - Label SiS/STS
- Core journals like Social Studies of Science and
Research Policy, and new journals a blossoming
3Ambivalent reception
- SiS/STS often starts by undermining received
opinions(cf. rather than searching for a
solution, we need to reframe the question ), - before it outlines better insights and approaches
- If audiences just hear the undermining, they may
turn away, and not wait to listen to the useful
4Ambivalent production
- SiS/STS scholars may get carried away by their
message about neglect of the real issues, and
just criticize (in their own inimitable jargon) - Example Report of EU expert group on Science and
Governance (Taking the European Knowledge Society
Seriously) - I am guilty as well of getting carried away
5Science in Society Programme
- Impressive record of high-quality studies
- Uncovering assumptions, but not always achieving
the next step, better insights and approaches - Trying to reach audiences (e.g. brochures showing
findings/insights) - ESRC support (SiS and other programmes) was
important to maintain SiS/STS research, when the
UKs earlier lead in the field had gone
6So what to do next?(to regain the lead?)
- ESRC, also other sponsors (DTI, charitable
foundations), each with their specific interests - The SiS/STS (overlapping) communities themselves
- But also mainstreaming of STS its approach is
taken up in many scholarly domains, including
business studies ( diaspora)
7Mainstreaming concentration
- Dispersion and wider uptake is OK, and important
to translate SiS/STS to be directly relevant - But quality control and cumulative developments
need concentrated effort so there must be core
STS, somewhat protected - Who will be responsible for maintaining a core
STS presence?
8Who is to maintain core SiS/STS?
- STS communities themselves
- Sponsors? (cf. example of German BMBF)
- Patchwork of actions rather than a concerted
approach (esp. for UK) - forum type meetings, twice a year, to discuss
findings, further questions challenges(Six
Countries Program as a model?)
9Perspectives, directions to go
- First how science is done in the real world, and
the diversity of approaches and frameworks - Insights, from Thomas Kuhn to Bruno Latour
- Science, as well as the real world are changing
how to diagnose changes? - New mode of knowledge production (Gibbons,
Nowotny) entrance point, not a final answer
10Re-contextualization of science
Patient associations influence research agendas
and engage in research themselves, undermining
the exclusive rights of scientists
Technology Assessment, Ethical, Legal Social
Aspects surround ongoing science and technology
(Human Genome Project initiated this)
Outreach, public engagement feedback into
research agendas? (ex. interactive TA of GM
Also consultancies (and NGOs) bridging science
and the economy, science and the community
Increasing interactions between science and
Authority over science (knowledge production) is
also claimed by non-scientists (from USA
Congressmen to patients and indigenous people)
counter-authority is not the answer.
11Second What comes after deficit models?
- Deficit models about publics having to understand
science, having to accept technoscientific
promises (so talking down) - Upstream public engagement (now fashionable in
UK) is only a partial answer - What is actually out there? Cf. SiS projects
- Connoisseurship rather than participation
- Midstream (and downstream) engagement, linked to
actual decision making (example of French INRA)
12Third Governance issues
- One example role of expertise.
- Separate from management decision making (cf.
risk analysis separate from risk management)? - In practice, always entangled. So inquire into
productive entanglements - SiS/STS studies have shown entanglement, new task
is to find out how to be more productive
13nano-development and society two separate worlds?
nano RD
uptake in society
enacting nano-promises
14responsible development of nanotechnology
perceptions, culture
upstream public engagement
ELSA, Constructive TA
nano RD
uptake in society
enacting nano-promises
15coordination, soft (and hard) governance
perceptions, culture
upstream public engagement
soft structures
ELSA, Constructive TA
soft law
nano RD
uptake in society
enacting nano-promises
16Next steps (after SiS program)
- SiS program, with its projects and its strong
diagnosis (cf. brochures), is itself part of a
larger development - Science technology in society are becoming more
reflexive (including public scrutiny and
accountability) - SiS/STS studies trace such developments, but can
also improve, and co-construct - That requires receptivity in the real world, and
rethinking of the message of SiS/STS
17Concretely? In the UK?
- Lots of such interactions are going on already
- For concrete issues, there is receptivity and
often sponsorship for dedicated research and
reflection - Challenge is how to support/maintain the
necessary scholarly competencies, network
interactions and assurance of quality control - Need to create an alliance for SiS/STS