Title: Short term personal loan
1Short Term Personal Loan Apply Online 2022
Short Term Personal Loan Apply Online 2022
- It, becomes hard for an individual to meet
his/her small financial need for vacation, buying
second hand 2 wheelers, wedding, or other needs,
Borrowing money from relatives and friends has a
bad record because ultimately it damages the
relations. On the other hand, to fulfill small
financial needs for which you cant go for a
heavy liability of personal loan.Therefore, the
only option left with the individual is to apply
for the short term personal loan.The name says it
all, a loan taken for a period of less than 1
year is a short-term loan. The borrowed amount is
also nominal and the repayment period is also
2(No Transcript)
3Short Term Personal Loan Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for taking a loan for
the short term. If you arent eligible then you
cannot borrow short term loans. Therefore, you
must go through the eligibility criteria that you
will have to fulfill before you apply for
short-term personal loans.
Minimum age group is 21 years old.
Salaried and Self Employed individuals can get a
short term loan but it differs from applicants to
Your income should be more than INR 12000 per
CIBIL score should be of 600 and above.
The applicant must know how to use the
application on the mobile phone.
Documents Required for Short Term Personal Loan
Here are the most important documents you will
have to upload to get the loan-
Aadhaar Card
PAN Card
Salary Slips
Bank Statement or ITR (if asked)