Title: oliviasmith19j (1)
1Zoom Takes First Steps To
Enter The Metaverse
Zoom, the video-conferencing platform, has taken
tentative first steps to enter the so-called
Metaverse, by unveiling a new feature that lets
users replace their appearance in virtual
meetings with avatars. With this feature, a user
can replace their face with an animated
character, which can mimic the head movements and
facial features of the user, Zoom said. For now,
the avatars have been restricted to only animal
characters with the Zoom 5.10.0 update, but it
could be expanded to include other characters at
a later stage. This new feature makes it easy
to inject fun into meetings and webinars and
lighten the mood, Zoom said in a blogpost. But
how does it work? The company said the function
recognises the shape of the face and features
like your eyes, nose, and mouth to create a
varied range of expressions. For now, 11 avatars
2shirts and hoodies, including a cow, cat, dog,
raccoon, panda, and a polar bear, have been
launched. But they could be increased later.
How do you use these avatars? First, update
your Zoom desktop app to Mac (v5.10.0) or Windows
(v5.10.0). Then, follow the steps below --
After opening the Zoom app, navigate to
Preferences. -- Click on Background Effects
section. -- Select the Avatars tab. From the
list, pick your favourite animal. This change
in the app setting will apply to all Zoom
meetings. If you want to use an avatar for a
particular meeting, you need to do this --
Join the meeting and click the arrow next to the
Start video/Stop video sign to start or stop the
video. -- Then, click on Choose Virtual
Background or Choose Video Filter. -- Finally,
click on the Avatars tab and choose the animal
character you want as your avatar. This update
comes in handy for those who feel fatigued
because of constantly looking at themselves
during a virtual meeting, or feel anxious about
their appearance on a call. You can also create
an immersive experience during Zoom meetings by
creating virtual backgrounds, immersive scenes,
and filters.
Sources NDTV
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