MP4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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General Tips. Troll Usage. Simulates different network conditions ... some means of implementing retransmission timeouts in a non-blocking fashion. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MP4

  • Implementing TCP reliability mechanisms over UDP

  • Troll
  • RTT and CRC
  • Sliding window
  • Timers and signal handlers
  • General Tips

Troll Usage
  • Simulates different network conditions
  • Setup as a intermediate between source and
    destination (source sends packet to troll, troll
    picks up packet, finds address of destionation,
    forwards packet on)
  • Can be configured (at startup and interactively)
    with different parameters
  • Built on UDP (does not establish connections)

Troll Usage
  • Usage troll options port
  • port is where the troll is listening (UDP)
  • Start in background -b
  • Garble -g ltpercentgt
  • Drop -x ltpercentgt
  • Reorder -r
  • Duplicate -m ltpercentgt
  • Delay -s ltmillisecondsgt or se ltmillisecondsgt
    (se is exponentially dist.)

Sample Troll Code for Server
  • include ltsys/types.hgt
  • include ltnetinet/in.hgt
  • include troll.h
  • struct sockaddr_in trolladdr, my_addr
  • struct hostenet host int troll_sock
  • // get troll_host's address info
  • if((host gethostbyname(TROLL_HOSTNAME) NULL)
  • printf("unknown troll host 's'\n",argv1)
  • bzero ((char )trolladdr, sizeof trolladdr)
  • trolladdr.sin_family AF_INET
  • bcopy(host-gth_addr, (char)trolladdr.sin_addr,
  • trolladdr.sin_port htons(PORT_TROLL_IS_LISTENING

Sample Troll Code for Server
  • // create a UDP socket to send/recv from troll
  • if((troll_sock socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0))
    lt 0)
  • perror("creating internet UDP socket")
  • // get my address info, bind internet UDP sock
    and listen for
  • // messages from troll
  • bzero((char )my_addr, sizeof(myaddr))
  • localaddr.sin_family AF_INET
  • localaddr.sin_addr.s_addr INADDR_ANY // OS
    will fill in my IP
  • localaddr.sin_port PORT_SERVER_IS_LISTENING_ON
  • if(bind(troll_sock, (struct sockaddr ) my_addr,
    sizeof(my_addr)) lt 0)
  • perror("internet UDP socket bind")
  • / NOTE, server doesnt need to know anything
    about client. /

Sample Troll Code for Client
  • include ltsys/types.hgt
  • include ltnetinet/in.hgt
  • include troll.h
  • struct sockaddr_in trolladdr, my_addr,
  • struct hostenet host int troll_sock
  • // get troll_host's address info
  • if((host gethostbyname(TROLL_HOSTNAME) NULL)
  • perror("unknown troll host)
  • bzero ((char )trolladdr, sizeof trolladdr)
  • trolladdr.sin_family AF_INET
  • bcopy(host-gth_addr, (char)trolladdr.sin_addr,
  • trolladdr.sin_port htons(PORT_TROLL_IS_LISTENING

Sample Troll Code for Client
  • // create internet UDP sock for sending/receiving
    through Troll
  • if((troll_sock socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0))
    lt 0)
  • perror("internet UDP socket")
  • // bind internet UDP sock and listen for msgs
    from Troll
  • bzero((char ) my_addr, sizeof my_addr)
  • my_addr.sin_family AF_INET
  • my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr INADDR_ANY // OS will
    fill in my IP
  • my_addr.sin_port PORT_CLIENT_IS_LISTENING_ON
  • if(bind(troll_sock, (struct sockaddr ) my_addr,
    sizeof my_addr) lt 0)
  • perror("internet UDP socket bind")

Sample Troll Code for Client
  • // get server addr (but use htons() to get
    network type)
  • if(gethostname(SERVER_HOSTNAME, 30) lt 0)
  • perror("getting server hostname")
  • if((host gethostbyname(SERVER_HOSTNAME))
  • perror("Unknown host)
  • bzero ((char )server_addr, sizeof server_addr)
  • server_addr.sin_family htons(AF_INET)
  • bcopy(host-gth_addr, (char) server_addr.sin_addr,
  • server_addr.sin_port htons(PORT_SERVER_IS_LISTEN

Sample Troll Code for Client
  • // in first packet client sends, put server info
    inside (must be
  • // first thing in packet)
  • typedef struct trollpacket
  • struct sockaddr_in destaddr
  • int type double RTT int seq
  • char dataMAX_SIZE
  • unsigned CRC
  • trollpacket
  • trollpacket p
  • p.destaddr server_addr // this only needs to
    happen once

Sample Troll Send/Recv Code
  • // now packet is ready to be sent...
  • char bufsizeof(packet)
  • bzero(buf, sizeof(packet))
  • bcopy((void )pack, buf, sizeof(packet))
  • if(write(troll_sock, buf, sizeof(packet)) lt 0)
  • perror(error writing)
  • // on receive, packet can just be sent back out
    to troll again (same thing happens on server
  • if(read(troll_sock,buf, sizeof(packet)) lt 0)
  • perror(error reading)
  • // do something with packet
  • if((sendto(troll_sock, buf, sizeof(trollpacket),
    0, (struct sockaddr )trolladdr, len)) lt 0)
  • perror(error writing)
  • / NOTE you should be using select() to
    determine when a packet is ready to be read
    also, since we are only receiving from the Troll,
    recvfrom() is not needed /

gettimeofday() and crc
  • include ltsys/time.hgt
  • if(gettimeofday((struct timeval )tv, (void
    )NULL) lt 0)
  • perror("gettimeofday")
  • double newRTT (double)tv.tv_sec
  • include ltcrc.hgt
  • trollpacket packet char bufsizeof(trollpacket)
  • unsigned check CRC(buf, sizeof(packet))
  • // recompute at other side and compare

Sliding window
  • Sliding window behavior in this MP is a
    combination of selective repeat and
  • go-back-N
  • Similar to that used in TCP
  • Fixed send and receive window size

Sliding window
  • It is similar to go-back-N in that
  • ACKs are cumulative
  • Client sends duplicate ACKs upon receipt of
    out-of-order packets

Sliding window
  • It is similar to selective repeat in that
  • Client buffers out-of-order packets that are
    within his receive window
  • Upon receipt of 3 duplicate ACKs, the server only
    retransmits the packet at the low end of his send
  • Upon timeout, the server only retransmits the
    packet within his send window corresponding to
    the timer that expired

Sliding window
  • Server advances send window as ACKs are received
    and sends any new segments that now lie within
    send window
  • Client buffers out-of-order segments that lie
    within the receive window and sends duplicate
    ACKS indicating the next expected in-order
    segment (i.e. the receive window base). Once the
    expected in-order segment is received, the
    receive window is advanced past in-order segments
    and they are written to file.

Timers and signal handlers
  • We need some means of implementing retransmission
    timeouts in a non-blocking fashion.
  • Solution POSIX timers
  • Great reference
  • http//

Timers and signal handlers
  • Two types of timers
  • One shot fires only once
  • Periodic fires repeatedly at a fixed period
  • When a timer expires, the system sends the
    specified signal to the process that created the
    timer. Thus, you need to set up a signal handler
    to catch this signal.

Timers and signal handlers
  • The steps are
  • Create and declare a signal handler
  • Set the sigevent structure to specify the signal
    you want sent on timer expiration
  • Establish a signal handler with the sigaction
  • Create the timer

Timers and signal handlers
  • timer_create allocates a timer and returns a
    timer ID. The timer_create function takes an evp
    argument which is a pointer to a sigevent
    structure. This structure defines the signal and
    value to be sent to the calling process when the
    timer expires. Set the sigev_notify member of
    evp to SIGEV_SIGNAL.
  • The timer doesnt start ticking until you call
    timer_settime, which sets the expiration values
    for the timer.

Timers and signal handlers
  • Structure to define a timer
  • // type, sigev_value, sigev_signo ,
    it_interval, it_value
  • struct timer_definition
  • int type // Absolute or Relative Timer
  • struct sigevent evp // Contains signal to be
    sent when // timer expires
  • struct itimerspec timeout // Timer interval
  • / This struct definition take from
  • http//
    TION/HTML/APS33DTE_html/DOCU_007.HTM /

Timers and signal handlers
  • Some declarations
  • void sig_handler()
  • struct sigaction sig_act
  • int clock_id CLOCK_REALTIME
  • timer_t periodic_timer_ID, one_shot_timer_ID
  • struct timer_definition periodic_timer /
    Timer that will expire every 200 ms. /
  • struct timer_definition one_shot_timer /
    one-shot timer /

Timers and signal handlers
  • / Initialize the sigaction structure for the
    handler /
  • sig_act.sa_handler (void )sig_handler
  • sig_act.sa_flags 0
  • sigemptyset(sig_act.sa_mask)

Timers and signal handlers
  • / Create a one-shot timer to expire in 5 seconds
  • one_shot_timer.type 0 // relative timer
  • one_shot_timer.evp.sigev_value.sival_int
  • one_shot_timer.evp.sigev_signo SIGUSR1
  • one_shot_timer.evp.sigev_notify SIGEV_SIGNAL
  • one_shot_timer.timeout.it_interval.tv_sec 0
  • one_shot_timer.timeout.it_interval.tv_nsec 0
  • one_shot_timer.timeout.it_value.tv_sec 5
  • one_shot_timer.timeout.it_value.tv_nsec 0
  • status timer_create(clock_id,
    (one_shot_timer.evp), one_shot_timer_ID)
  • / Initialize a signal handler to handle timer
    expiration /
  • sigaction(one_shot_timer.evp.sigev_signo,
    sig_act, NULL)
  • / Set time for one-shot timer /
  • status timer_settime(one_shot_timer_ID,

  • (one_shot_timer.timeout), NULL)

More Tips
  • Be careful as to what your CRC is being computed
    over (data, header, both?)
  • Data structures options
  • Array of all packets sent, or only a windows
    worth of packets
  • Can be list, queue, array
  • Would be helpful to write functions on the data
    structure like getOldestUnacked(),
    getOldestAckNotSent(), enqueue(), dequeue(),
  • Window bounds are getOldestUnacked,getOldestAckNo
  • Modularize!
  • Send_packet(), Recv_packet(), Wait_for_Packet()
    (useful for 3-way handshake, where you are only
    waiting for a certain packet)
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