Things To Know About Water Based Defoamer

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Things To Know About Water Based Defoamer


Defoamer plays an important role in industries. They are available in many forms such as oil-based defoamer, surfactant-based defoamer, and water-based defoamer. There are many advantages of water based defoamer such as: Lower Cost Better Performance Wide Compatibility More Environmental Friendliness If you are looking to buy a water-based defoamer, then here we are sharing some important things about water-based defoamer that you need to know. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Things To Know About Water Based Defoamer

Practical Guide 8 Things To Know About Water
Based Defoamer
Defoamer plays a crucial role across industries.
This antifoaming agent not only ensures that the
foam does not affect the quality of the product.
But they also make sure that the industrial
processes go smoothly. So, naturally, their
importance cannot be understated. Defoamers are
present in several variants, including oil-based
as well as surfactant based. But one variant
that has the most practical usage is the water
based antifoams. And that is what we are
focusing on in this blog. Know About Water Based
Defoamer Before Investing Here are eight things
that one must know about water based defoamer
before investing in them. 1. The composition As
evident by the name, water based defoamers are
based in water. It means that they utilize water
as the carrier. The water-based defoamer
compositions would be around 60 per cent to 95
per cent water. Due to them using water as a
carrier, these defoamers can quickly disperse
into water and effectively suppress foam. The
active ingredients in the water-based defoamers
are present in emulsified form.
2. The structure is similar to oil-based defoamers
  • There are several differences that would force
    one to opt for either water or an oil-based
    defoamer. But their structure is not one of them.
    The structure of the water based defoamer is
    stable and inert, like the oil based-defoamers,
    ensuring that it does not react with foaming
    substances. This structure makes them excellent
    floatation agents.
  • Low cost
  • Defoamer from water-based defoamer suppliers is
    generally less expensive than its
  • counterparts. Therefore, it naturally makes it
    the preferred defoaming agent for any use. There
    are many reasons why they are less expensive, but
    that does not mean that they are less effective.
    The main reason they are less expensive is that
    water is the least expensive ingredient added to
    the formulation, a luxury that other defoamers do
    not have.
  • Ease of application
  • A major benefit and one of the main reasons why
    water based defoamers are preferred is because
    of their ease of application. Water based
    defoamers require minimal input from other
    equipment. These pieces of equipment are
    generally used to dilute the defoamer to lower
    concentrations. It is something that is not
    necessarily required in the case of water based
    defoamer. One can ask for a lower concentration
    from their manufacturer and exporter of water
  • Better performance
  • It is widely accepted that water based defoamers
    perform significantly better than their
  • counterparts. The water based deformers are
    excellent for defoaming in water-based coatings.
    They not only quickly disperse in water, but they
    also provide superb foam suppression and
    deaeration. In addition to this, they
    also do not contribute to

  • deposition. This deposition usually leads to
    malfunction of the equipment and product damage.
  • Broader compatibility
  • Water based defoamers from defoamer chemical
    suppliers have a wide range of usage. They have
    uses in industrial process water to also
    wastewater treatment. It makes them one of the
    most reliable and in-use defoamers in the market.
    In addition to that, water based defoamers can
    be used across temperature and pH levels, making
    them the perfect solution.
  • Environmental friendliness
  • Water based defoamers are an environment-friendly
    solution as well. In addition, many of the
    offerings in water based defoamers segment are
    biodegradable as well. This makes them an
    excellent solution for folks concerned about the
    use of heavy defoamers in the environment.
  • Application
  • As mentioned previously, water-based defoamers
    have a wide range of uses. They are commonly
    used in the agriculture sector, parts washing,
    and water treatment. These are
  • also the preferred defoamer for phosphoric acid
  • Conclusion
  • If you are looking for one of the best filter aid
    powder manufacturers suppliers, then you could
    not find a better companion for your needs than
    NAQ Global. At NAQ Global, one can get their
    hands on highly satisfactory solutions for their
    water based defoamer needs, and that too at
    reasonable prices.
  • Reference https//
  • defoamer/
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