Title: Fundamental Techniques
1Fundamental Techniques
- CS 5050
- Chapter 5
- Goal review complexity analysis
- Talk of categories used to descirbe algorithms.
2Algorithmic Frameworks
- Greedy
- Divide-and-conquer
- Discard-and-conquer
- Top-down Refinement
- Dynamic Programming
- Backtracking/Brute Force
- Branch-and-bound
- Local Search (Heuristic)
3Greedy Algorithms
- Short-view, tactical approach to minimize the
value of an objective function. - Eating whatever you want no regard for health
consequences or leaving some for others. - Solutions are often not global, but can be when
problems satisfy the greedy-choice property - Example Making change with US money to minimize
number of coins not true with other money
systems. - Example Knapsack problem. Given items weight
and value. Want best value in knapsack within
total weight limit. Cannot be done using greedy
methods. Doesnt have greedy choice property
4Fractional Knapsack Problem
- Many items, each with their own positive weight
and positive benefit, and a maximum total weight - Can choose a fraction of the items quantity
- maximize benefit, staying within weight limits.
- Algorithm
- Items by maximal benefit (value/weight) on
priority queue (or merely sort) O(n log n) - Withdraw highest benefit item and take it all, or
as much as will fit under the total quantity max - greedy choice property proof by contradiction
5Task Scheduling Problem
- Set of tasks with specific start and end times
(no flexibility. All must be scheduled at
specific times) - try to minimize number of machines
- Sort by start time O(n log n) as simpler to check
for conflict. - For each, put it on the first available machine
or use an additional machine - Optimal - Proof of this by contradiction. Let k
be last new machine. Let i be first task
scheduled on last machine. Show i conflicts with
all other tasks at same time.
6Divide and Conquer Algorithms
- Divide the problem into smaller subproblems -
these should be equal sized - Eventually get to a base case
- Examples mergesort or quicksort
- Generally recursive
- Usually efficient, but sometimes not
- For example, Fibonacci numbers or Pascal triangle
- Desirability depends on work in spliting/combining
7Consider Merge sort
- Sketch out the solution to the merge sort.
- What is the complexity? What skills do you have
to help you?
8Recurrence Relations
- Often of the form (e.g., merge sort)
- T(n) b if n lt 2
- 2T(n/2) bn if n gt 2
- Recursion tree bn effort at each of log n
levels - Plug and chug telescoping. Start with specific
value of n to see pattern better. Math intensive. - Iterative solution T(n) 2iT(n/2i) ibn
becomes T(n) bn bnlog n - Guess and test eyeball, then attempt an
inductive proof
9- Recursion tree bn effort at each of log n
levels. Show pictures (see posted handout) - Guess and test eyeball, then attempt an
inductive proof. If cant prove, try something
bigger/smaller. This is not a good way for
beginning students.
10Look at several algorithms
- Use picture method to find complexity.
- Use master method to find complexity
11Master method (different from text)method of
text can give tighter bounds
- Of the form
- T(n) c if n lt d
- aT(n/b) O(nk) if n gt d
- a gt bk then T(n) is O(n logb a )
- a bk then T(n) is O(nk log n)
- a lt bk then T(n) is O(nk)
- Can work this out on your own using telescoping
and math skills.
12Large Integer multiplication
- Normal way is n2
- Breaking up into two parts
- I Ih2n/2 Il J Jh2n/2 Jl
- Shift is cheap O(n)
- I J (Ih2n/2 Il )(Jh2n/2 Jl )
- IhJh2n IlJh2n/2 IlJh2n/2 IlJl
- doesnt help as work is the same (4(n/2)2)
- However, complicated patterns of
sum/difference/multiple reduce the number of
subproblems to ¾ or 7/8 - Big integer multiplication is O(n1.585)
- Matrix multiplication is O(n2.808)
13Large Integer multiplication
- Idea How think of? You want a way of reducing
the total number of pieces you need to compute. - Observe (Ih-Il)(Jl-Jh) IhJl-IlJl IhJh IlJh
- Key is for one multiply, get two terms we need if
add in two terms we already have - So, instead of computing the four pieces shown
earlier, we do this one multiplication to get two
of the pieces we need!
14Large Integer multiplication
- IJ IhJh2n (Ih-Il)(Jh-Jl)IhJhIlJl 2n/2
IlJl - Tada three multiplications instead of four
- by master formula O(n1.585)
- a 3
- b 2
- k 1
15Try at seats!For Example Mult 7553
- 7 5 2
- 5 3 -2
- 15 -4 Products
- 35100 10(-4 35 15) 15
- 75533975
16Matrix multiplication
- Same idea Breaking up into four parts doesnt
help - Strassens algorithm complicated patterns of
sum/difference multiply reduce the number of
subproblems to 7 (from 8) - Wont go through details, as not much is learned
from the struggle. - T(n) 7T(n/2) bn2
- Matrix multiplication is O(n2.808)
17Discard and ConquerTop-Down Refinement
- Both are similar to divide and conquer
- Discard and conquer requires only that we solve
one of several subproblems - Corresponds to proof by cases
- Binary search is an example
- Finding kth smallest is an example (Quicksearch)
- Top-down assembles a solution from the solutions
to several subproblems - Subproblems are not self-similar or balanced
- This is the standard problem-solving method
18Dynamic Programming Algorithms
- Reverse of divide and conquer, we build solutions
from the base cases up - Avoids possible duplicate calls in the recursive
solution - Implementation is usually iterative
- Examples Fibonacci series, Pascal triangle,
making change with coins of different relatively
prime denominations
19Good Dynamic Programming Algorithm Attributes
- Simple Subproblems
- Subproblem Optimality optimal solution consists
of optimal subproblem. - Can you think of a real world example without
subproblem optimality? Round trip discounts. - Subproblem Overlap (sharing)
20The 0-1 Knapsack Problem
- 0-1, means take item or leave it (no fractions)
- Now given units which we can take or leave
- Obvious solution of enumerating all subsets is
T(2n) - Difficulty is in characterizing subproblems
- Find best solution for first k units no good,
as optimal solution doesnt build on earlier
solutions - Find best solution, first k units within quantity
limit - Either use previous best at this limit, or this
plus previous best at reduced limit O(nW) - Pseudo-polynomial as it depends on a parameter
W, which is not part of other solutions.
21You could try them exhaustively, deciding about
the last thing first
- int valueMAX // value of each item
- int weightMAX // weight of each item
- //You can use item "item" or items with lower
number - //The maximum weight you can have is maxWeight
- int bestValue(int item, int maxWeight)
- if (item lt 0) return 0
- if (maxWeight lt weightitem)
- // current item can't be used, skip it
- return bestValue(item-1, maxWeight)
- useIt bestValue(item-1, maxWeight -
weightitem) valueitem - dontUseIt bestValue(item-1, maxWeight)
- return max (useIt, dontUseIt)
22Price per Pound
- The constant price-per-pound' knapsack problem
is often called the subset sum problem, because
given a set of numbers, we seek a subset that
adds up to a specific target number, i.e. the
capacity of our knapsack. - If we have a capacity of 10, consider a tree in
which each level corresponds to considering each
item (in order). Notice, in this simple example,
about a third of the calls are duplicates.
23(No Transcript)
24- We would need to store whether a specific weight
could be achieved using only items 1-k. - possibleitemmax given the current item (or
earlier in the list) and max value, can you
achieve max?
25- Consider the weights 2, 2, 6,5,4 with limit of
10 - We could compute such a table in an iterative
26From the table
- Can you tell HOW to fill the knapsack?
27- Let's compare the two strategies
- Normal/forgetful wait until you are asked for a
value before computing it. You may have to do
some things twice, but you will never do anything
you don't need. - Compulsive/elephant you do everything before you
are asked to do it. You may compute things you
never need, but you will never compute anything
twice (as you never forget). - Which is better? At first it seems better to wait
until you need something, but in large
recursions, almost everything is needed somewhere
and many things are computed LOTS of times.
28Consider the complexity for a max capacity of M
and N different items.
- Normal For each item, try it two ways (useIt or
dontUseIt). O(N2) - Compulsive Fill in array O(MN)
- Which is better depends on values of M and N.
Notice, the two complexities depend on different
29Clever Observation
- Since only the previous row is ever accessed,
dont really need to store all rows. - However, couldnt easily read back optimal choices
30- The Matrix Chain Problem
- B2x10C10x50D50x20 Is it associative?
- Does order matter? BC 21050
- (BC)D 21050 25020 25030 (best)
- B(CD) 105020 21020 521020
- Reduce number of multiplies by proper association
- Naïve algorithm to find the proper association is
exponential in number of matrices - Let Ni,j denote the minimum number of
multiplications to compute AiAi1...Aj
31At seats -What is Algorithm?
- For each cell N(i,j) represents the cost of
computing the multiplication of matrices i thru
j. - Look at each possible division
- Pick the best of the possibilities
- k is division point
- N(i,k) N(k1,j) gives each piece
- multiply two pieces is di xdk1 and dk1 x dj1
- subscripting remember di is rowsize of ith
32Backtracking AlgorithmsBrute Force Algorithms
- Exhaustive (brute force) search - depth-first
through the solution space if it is structured - Bad if happen to pick a first path that is very
deep. - Backtrack when we cant go forward
- Brute force if try everything.
- Example - tree traversal looking for a key or
finding a solution to Eight Queens problem - Heuristics help a lot, as for instance, knowledge
about the structure of a binary search tree - Usually implemented with a stack
33Observe divide and conquer
- Observe that divide and conquer may be brute
force. - We can do depth first better for storage
- We can do breath first may be better for
optimality, but must use a queue to store
subproblems yet to explore - What about a best first solution?
- However, sometimes we can determine that a given
node in the solution space does not lead to the
optimal solution--either because the given
solution and all its successors are infeasible or
because we have already found a solution that is
guaranteed to be better than any successor of the
given solution. - In such cases, the given node and its successors
need not be considered. In effect, we can prune
the solution tree, thereby reducing the number of
solutions to be considered.
35Branch and Bound Algorithms
- Definition An algorithmic technique to find the
optimal solution by keeping the best solution
found so far. If a partial solution cannot
improve on the best, it is abandoned. - Has a scoring mechanism to always choose the more
promising best-first search.
36Branch and Bound Algorithms
- For each subtree, best possible solution is
computed. If it is worse than best so far,
prune. - Rather than wanting the absolute best solution,
we may say at least as good as bound. If we
find no solution, can relax the bound and start
over. - Backtrack sooner when we realize the branch is
going bad - this is called pruning
37Branch and Bound Algorithms
- Need an evaluation function of some kind
- Examples - games, integer linear programming
- Besides pruning, the evaluation function may give
us hints on which branch to follow so never
really throw out a case, just give it less
priority. - Greedy algorithms are extreme examples of branch
and bound algorithms as ignore all other branches.
- consider the scales balancing problem or dividing
a set into approximately equal weight pieces - What problem is this most like?
- Consider a partial solution in which we have
placed k weights onto the pans (0 lt k lt n ) and,
therefore, n-k weights remain to be placed. The
difference between the weights of the left and
right pans is computed - the sum of the weights still to be placed is
computed - For any given subproblem, if the sum of the
weights to be placed is less than the current
difference in the pans, you have a measure of how
close you can come to the desired goal. - Prune if your best possible solution is worse
than the best so far.
39Local Search Algorithms
- Start at a random spot, then follow a gradient of
improving solutions, termed hill climbing - Locally optimal, but globally suboptimal
- Differs from greedy in that there is a sequence
of solutions - Example - travelling salesman. Come up with an
initial route which visits all cities, but may
not be optimal. Then iteratively try to improve
it. Break and reconnect.
40Relatives to Big Oh
- f(n) is ?(g(n)) (pronounced big Omega) if
- g(n) is O(f(n)) In other words
- there exists c gt 0 and integer constant n0gt1
- such that f(n) ? cg(n) for n ? n0.
- f(n) is ?(g(n)) (pronounced big Theta) if
- f(n) is O(g(n)) and f(n) is ?(g(n)). In
other words, - there exists cgt0 and cgt0 and n0gt1 such that
- cg(n) ? f(n)? cg(n) for n ? n0