Title: DOTS and Beyond. PPMD and Beyond.
1DOTS and Beyond. PPMD and Beyond.
- Rosalind G. Vianzon, MD, MPH
- NTP Manager
- Department of Health
- Manila, Philippines
Reaching 85/70 through D. O. T. S.
Synchronize TB management among TB
Service Providers
Improve Treatment Success
Improve QUALITY NTP-DOTS services
Engage the Private Sector into
Increase CDR
Detect MORE cases Find the Missing cases
3Stages of Establishing DOTS ()
- 1) Stage I - DOTS Maturation
- - operationally stable
- - provides DOTS services with quality
- - DOTS Certified based on the DOTS
- certification standards and criteria
- - with evidence of financial viability
- for DOTS implementation
- (DOTS accredited)
4Stages of Establishing DOTS ()
- 2) Stage II - PPMD Maturation
- - maturation of the approach to implement DOTS
and to engage the Private. - - high level of private sector participation
either through - DOTS service provision (Private facility)
- OR Referrals from Private Physicians
- - high utilization of existing DOTS services
- both by Public and Private sectors.
5PPMD Approach to Engage the Private
6PPMD Approach to Engage the Private
7Example of PPMD Matrix
8DOTS () Activity
- An advance stage of DOTS implementation
- Matured DOTS
- Evolves from successful DOTS implementation
- Targets
- a) Service Providers
- should include the Private Sector--? PPMD
- (high source of MDR cases)
- b) Service Seekers (Clients)
- Non-MDR TB cases
- Potential (Risk) MDR TB cases
- True MDR cases
9Stages of Establishing DOTS ()
- 3) Stage III - DOTS () Implementation
- a) Initiation stage
- - new and additional activities for
- an already existing DOTS facility
- - expression of commitments from all key
stakeholders -
10Stages of Establishing DOTS ()
- 3) Stage III - DOTS () Implementation
- b) Maturation stage
- - mainstream DOTS () activities
- into NTP-DOTS
- - activities anchored on the
- agreed set of policies, standards
- specific for DOTS ()
- - creation of an expert body
- DOTS Consilium
11(No Transcript)
Stage II PPMD Maturation
13- Systems In-placing
- Logistics system
- Monitoring system
- Unit policies for
- Defaulter action
- Assessment of
- infrastructure
- Managerial Capacity
- - Technical potential
- - Operational feasibility
Advocacy to parties concerned
Capability Building
Laboratory Enhancement
- Solicit commitments
- Agree on terms of functions
- Promote ownership from the start
Equipped Human Resources
Baseline Survey
Quality Assured Lab (DST)
Stage III DOTS () Implementation
14Triad of Stepsfor DOTS () Scale-up
- Maintain quality DOTS services
- Scale-up PPMD installation while enhancing the
existing ones (PPMD is the interface between DOTS
DOTS ) - Allow DOTS () to mature in a stepwise fashion