Title: New Challenges for Quality
1- New Challenges for Quality
- An Endless Journey
- By
- Hakan Kilitcioglu
- 15th Quality Congress
- Start of Quality Efforts in Turkey 1980s
- The Players in Quality Arena
- KalDer founded - 1991
- Highly Visible Period of Quality Efforts,
1990-2000 - Consolidation of Quality Efforts, Excellence
Movement - Changing Trends in Quality and Excellence
- International Success Stories
- Changing Roles and Future Perspective
3Developments in Quality1980 - 2000
- Overall
- Popularity of Management Systems (ISO 9000, ...)
- Many Quality Initiatives in Large Corporations
- Launch and popularity of the Quality Awards
- Certification companies foster
- More emphasize on Human resources and new
techniques - Turkey
- Consultant companies dominate ISO 9000 process
- Quality infrastructure getting better with
customs union and EU accession - National Quality Congress and National Quality
Award launched in 1992 - KalDer launches the National Quality Movement
4Developments in Quality1980 - 2000
- The emphasize on human resources and new
techniques - The importance of Human Resources increases
- Lean Management
- Balanced Scorecard
- Hoshin Planning Policy Deployment
- Quality Improvement Teams / Quality Circles
- Six Sigma
- ...
- Increase in International Cooperation
- International Academy for Quality
- Asia-Pacific Quality Organisation
- Middle East Quality Association
- Bilateral Partnerships
5Changing Trends in Quality and Excellence
- Quality as a hygiene factor
- Shop floor quality driven by middle management
- Top management interest on new intiatives with
less coordination on the quality side - QCD now became a fact of life
- Search for a new way / method for dealing with
the enormous speed of change - Holystic view of management
6Changing Trends in Quality and Excellence - 2
- Public Perceptions of
- Quality
- Quality Professionals
- Management System Certificates
- Quality Awards
- Systems Approach
7Key Forces
- As defined by ASQ
- Globalization
- Innovation / Creativity / Change
- Outsourcing
- Consumer Sophistication
- Value Creation
- Changes in Quality
- Some emphasize points
- Cooperation / Partnership / networking
- Differentiation
- Social Responsibility
8Impact on
- Quality professionals
- Organizations and the Quality field
- KalDer, Turkish Society for Quality
9Quality professionals
- Think out of the box
- Integration of new skills
- Increase the holystic / strategic view
- Integrator, consultant, change agent
- More international understanding
- Keep the basic thinking
- Keep it simple
10Quality professionals
- Understand different professions, rotate
positions - Be the best communicator
- Be the CEO consultant
- Be the CEO
- Promote quality
- Dont wait
- Begin with the change process immediately
- Act now!
11Organisations and the quality field
- More involvement with the corporations and public
services - Use of regional and global partnerships
- Increase global offerings of services
- Need for global products, implemented with local
differentiation - Develop member base
- Never lower the standards!
12Organisations and the quality field
- Promote the Quality profession
- Management of voluntary participation
- Perception of the Mission
- Management of Prestige (Perception)
- Identification with Social projects
- Be a reference organisation
- For companies, government and public
- Be part of the Top Management agenda
13KalDer - Turkish Society for Quality
- Founded in 1991 by representatives of prominent
Turkish Industrialists Groups, mainly to
coordinate quality efforts and promote Quality
Management - KalDer is an independent, non-profit
organization, - To provide an environment where experts from
different companies can share and disseminate
quality knowledge through a voluntary
organization - Established partnership with TUSIAD in running
the National Quality Congress and Award - KalDer has been managing the National Quality
Award process based on the criteria of EFQM
Excellence Model  since 1992.
14KalDer Mission
- To motivate and prepare an appropriate
environment for all organizations public, private
and non-profit, in which these organizations can
reach world-class quality level and increase
their competitiveness.
15KalDer Products Services
Organizational support
Member/ Network services
TQM Promotion Awareness Raising
16KalDer - Turkish Society for Quality
- Local deployment, branch offices
- Top management drive
- Board consists of Businessmen and CEOs
- Quality management drive
- Executive Committee
- Wide network of volunteers and members for
implementation - Partnership with business organisations (NGOs)
- Keep the high image
- Training
- 38 programs, 4000 students/year
- Benchmarking
- Excellence One, consortium benchmarking, DBase
- Publications
- Monthly magazine
- 31 books
- Communities of Interest
- 20 ea.team, 150members
- National Quality Congress
- National Quality Award
- NGO as a separate category since 2002
- Symposiums Conferences
- Three annual conferences of branches, thematic
symposiums - Quality Circles, HR, Strategic Planning, ...
- Turkish Customer Satisfaction Index
- Assessment Center
- External Assessments based on EEM, Technology
Assessment, Innovation Assessment, Process Survey
Tools, EFQM Frameworks - Development Center, Quality Leadership Academy
- EFQM, National Partner Organization
- ASQ, World Partner
- MEQA, Middle East Quality Association
- CforC, Innovation
- Many Turkish Institutions
20(No Transcript)
21National Quality Movement
22Search Conference/Perspective for the Future
- KalDer as the intellectual leader
- Academic board
- At the forefront of management best practices
- EFQM/MEQA/ASQ network
- KalDer as a meta-referrant organisation
- Not the sole leader of Quality movement, but
influencer of parallel movements
23Last Words...
- Quality
- Like 3000 years ago Q will change the world
- Will be differentiator in the future also
- Is never a fashion
- ... Professionals
- It is your time, go ahead
- ... Organisations
- Innovate and integrate
- Increase the image
24Thank You !TesekkĂĽr Ederim !