Title: Asp.net Travelyaari Clone Script - Readymade Clone Script
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4Our Best Readymade Travelyaari Clone Script
Contains 4
Modules, Online ticket booking, online Bus
booking, Admin, User, Super Admin and etc.
Scriptstore fully customizable Travelyaari Clone
system, get more direct bookings, increase brand
recall and improve revenues.
5Bus Reservation System is supposed to modify
price ticket buying through AN easy-to-use
Online Bus Booking System. With the price ticket
reservation system, you may manage reservations,
consumer knowledge, and traveler lists.
6you'll be able to conjointly schedule routes, set
seat availableness, transfer AN interactive seat
map and let customers choose their seats. Script
store facilitates your customers organize their
visits and daily commutes additional simply.
7Method bookings and payments Online, manage your
business additional with e?ciency. Check the key
options that return commonplace with the price
ticket reservation system.
- Return Tickets
- Career Link
- Seat Layout
- Currency Converter
- Routes Information
- Weather Forecasting
- Multilingual
- Special Discounts
- Customization
- Timely Departure and Arrival
- E?ciency and Availability
- Updated Events Info
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support_at_doditsolutions.in , info_at_doditsolutions.c
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