Title: Check the quality and originality of gemstone beads
1How to Check the Quality and Originality of
Gemstone Beads?
Gemstones are no doubt a very valuable
investment. People usually spend a lot of money
buying gemstones in general and gemstone jewelry,
which is also very precious and expensive. Even
in India, most people have started trusting
online sites to buy precious gemstone jewelry.
- This new age of online shopping has made lives
smoother, but on the other hand, it is not that
easy to buy such expensive articles without even
seeing them in real life. When it comes to
stones, no matter you buy wholesale gemstone
beads online or from a jeweler, you must know
how to judge if it is original or not for your
security, as you might be spending a huge part of
your savings on them. Let's check out how a
layman can check the originality and quality. - The 4 C's of Gemstone Grading
- To know whether the rough diamond beads are
original and of good quality or not, you have to
focus on 4 Cs and nothing else. The 4 C's stands
for - Color
- Clarity
- Cut
24. Carat or weight Even the experts analyze a
gemstone on these 4 parameters. So here, you will
know how to know the grade of a particular
gemstone just by looking at it. Analyzing
Colour Any natural gemstone beads can be judged
based on color, and there are three properties to
them that one needs to refer to hue, saturation,
and tone.
Specifically talking about the colored gemstones,
they are described based on red, blue, yellow,
etc. However, the colors like black or white
always refer to the tones and the
saturation. The more pure the stone's color will
be, the stone will be of better quality. For
example, A pure red ruby is always better in
quality and expensive than an orangish
ruby. Moreover, it is always said that colorless
diamonds are more expensive and of the highest
quality. When a customer buys a gemstone with a
purpose to match with a dress or to wear it,
colored ones always come first, but when it comes
to investment, the best option is colorless
3Clarity of the stone When it becomes difficult
to judge a stone on a color basis, check the
stone's clarity. Most of the stones have a lot
of inclusions inside them, which means they are
not clear enough. These inclusions can be
mineral particles, fractures, and some hollow
areas. Though no such stones do not have these
inclusions, the quality depends on whether those
inclusions are visible with naked eyes or with a
magnifier or what.
Some stones are eye-clean, some have rare
inclusions, and some are always included, and
among all eye-clean, one is of the best
quality. Only the exceptions like emerald, which
is a precious stone but has a lot of inclusions
and hence, judged by the color as property
only. Cut of the Stone Analyzing the stone
based on its cut is not that easy for a layman
for sure, but on the other hand, one can at
least give it a try. Quality checks based on cut
aim to make sure that the work done on cutting
and polishing the stone is worth it or not.
4One must check whether all the corners are
symmetrically cut. Also, the facets need to shine
like mirrors and be very smooth even if you
observe with a magnifier. A stone with a good and
precise cut is really valuable. Carat/Weight
of the Stone
That is a basic parameter to judge and make
decisions when buy beads online. Once you are
sure about the quality, you need to decide how
much your budget allows you to spend because the
heavier the stone will be, the more expensive it
is. It has been observed that people do not buy
larger stones as they are not that affordable.
With every carat, the price increases. To
Conclude If you are curious to check the quality
and originality of the semi precious gemstone
beads, you should reach a trusted gemstone
supplier only. At Unique Jewellers, you can buy
5beads of the finest quality with the certificate
of originality at the best prices. Moreover, you
can consider all the points mentioned above, and
you will find Unique Jewellers' gemstone beads