Title: Tulevaisuuden verkoista
1Tulevaisuuden verkoista
- Mobile networks
- Ad hoc networks
- Pervasive computing
- Ubiquitous computing
- Viral communications
- Context-aware networks
- Sensor networks
- Peer-to-peer networks
- Multi technology networks
- Wireless links
- Identities, roles
- Personalization
- Positioning
- Wearables
- Routing
- Roaming
- Augmented reality
2Past -gt Present -gt Future
- Mainframe era
- many share a computer
- PC era
- one computer, one person
- Internet - Widespread Distributed Computing
- a transition
- Ubiquitous Computing
- many computers share each of us
3Pervasive computing määritelmä
- Pervasive computing is the trend towards
increasingly ubiquitous (another name for the
movement is ubiquitous computing), connected
computing devices in the environment - Next dimension of personal computing
- Pervasive computing devices are not personal
computers as we tend to think of them, but very
tiny - even invisible - devices, either mobile or
embedded in almost any type of object imaginable,
including cars, tools, appliances, clothing and
various consumer goods - all communicating
through increasingly interconnected networks.
4Pervasive computing ominaisuudet
- Useita laitteita integroituna
- Auton avaimet, autoradio, navigointijärjestelmä
- Auton avaimen käyttö johtaa asetusten
personointiin - Useita rajapintoja
- Kosketusnäytöt, äänentunnistus, sensorit
- Online/offline toiminta (piilotettu käytäjältä)
- Useita eri järjestelmiä yhdistetty verkoilla
- Samassa verkossa useita eri toimintoja
- Tietoturvaominaisuudet ja käyttäjien tunnistus
- Personoidut toiminnot
5Today access is channel specific
User in context
For each service
6Pervasive computing The big picture
Concepts, Application areas
Identities, Roles, Communities Authentication,
privacy, personalization Location awareness,
Middleware/ services
Infrastructure, ad hoc, p2p WAN, LAN, PAN, BAN, PN
Mobile phones, PDAs, sensors, others
7Digital video
Hi-Fi audio
Multi-channel video
Streaming video
Long Range
Wi-Fi 802.11b
Wi-Fi5 802.11a/g/HL2
ZigBee 802.15.4
Bluetooth 2
Short Range
WiMedia 802.15.3
Bluetooth 1 802.15.1
Low Data Rate
High Data Rate
8Langattomista teknologioista
- 2,4 5 GHz
- 11, 54 Mbit/sec
- max. 2 km
- Bluetooth
- 2,4 GHz
- 768 kB/sec
- max. 100m
- LMDS - Local Multipoint Distribution Service
- LMDS is a wireless technology able to transmit a
large amount of data and information at a very
high rate of speed using microwave radios. One
microwave radio is installed onto a building at
the client site and another microwave radio is
installed at the LMDS base station. It can be
constructed in a point to point or point to
multipoint fashion. - 27.50Ghz - 28.35Ghz 29.10Ghz - 29.25Ghz
30.00Ghz 31.075Ghz - 31.225Ghz. - 500Mbps
- RFiD Radio frequency indentification
- 100-500 kHz, 10-20MHz, 900 MHz, 2,4 GHz, 5 GHz
- Aktiiviset ja passiiviset tagit
- Lukuetäisyys cm metri
- ZigBee
- 20/250 kbps
- 2.4GHz and 868/915 MHz
- Range 10m nominal (1-100m based on settings)
- WiMedia
- WiMedia is the consumer brand mark for high
data-rate, wireless multimedia networking
operating in a wireless personal area network
(WPAN). - 2,4 GHz, 1-50 m
- 11,22,33,44,55 Mbps (802.15.3a 480 Mbps)
- UWB Ultra Wide Band
- Ultra Wideband radio is a revolutionary wireless
technology for transmitting digital data over a
wide spectrum of frequency bands with very low
power. - speed in Gbps
9Networking devices
10The Next Frontier for Wireless
and networking .. the last ten meters
11Personal Networks
- One-time, just-in-time disposable intranets
- Spontaneous, Ad Hoc, opportunistic connections
- Connecting my personal devices
- Small area
- less then 10 meters
- Body area network (BAN)
- Even more personal
WPANs are for your own Personal networks
12PAN vs. PN
- Personal Area Networks (PANs)
- Enhancement of our personal living environment,
work and private by dynamically networking
computers, PDAs, phones, headsets, handsets,
viewers, appliances, sensors and actuators. - Ad hoc character
- Confined to the vicinity of the person, or
personal operating space (POS) - E.g., IEEE 802.15, Bluetooth, IrDa, UWB
- Personal Networks (PNs)
- Network centered around a person and his/her
needs - Resources and partners are not necessarily in the
close vicinity of the person - Dynamic in composition, configuration and
connectivity depending on time, place and
circumstances - Core consisting of a PAN extended on-demand with
personal resources or resources belonging to
13(No Transcript)
14Verkkojen rakenteesta
- Infrastruktuuriverkot
- Tyypillinen WLAN verkko, jossa tukiasemilla
katetaan alue - Staattinen rakenne
- Roaming mahdollista
- Ad hoc verkot
- Mobiilit muodostavat verkon lennosta
- Dynaaminen rakenne
- Ongelmia dynaamisuudesta johtuen
- Peer-to-peer verkot
- Voivat perustua joko infrastruktuuriverkkoihin
tai ad hoc verkkoihin (ajatusmalli itse
verkkorakenteen päällä) - Tavoitteena kuorman jakaminen verkkoon