Title: Surrogacy Packages Cost in India with Multiple Cycle
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Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour IVF Surrogacy Expert
Home ? Surrogacy Packages Cost in India with
multiple cycle
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Surrogacy Packages Cost in India Comprehensive
Take Home Baby Packages With multiple cycle
Getting started
Surrogate and donor recruitment Surrogate and
donors psychological counseling and testing for
medical fitness Lawyer fee for preparing the
agreement between parents and surrogate All
pre-transfer medical testing of surrogates and
donor All medications for Indian donor and
surrogate for IVF/ICSI IVF/ICSI cycle and fresh
embryo transfer to surrogate Payment to surrogate
for embryo transfer and donor as applicable
Courier charge of one set of contract documents
if required
While pregnancy Surrogate compensation
Coordinator/Social worker compensation Routine
admin expenses Travelling cost of family member
for visiting surrogate. Food and accommodation
for the entire pregnancy for surrogate and
dependent member, if any at our surrogate home
Driver and caretaker for surrogate Routine
ante-natal care, doctors appointment, blood
tests and ultrasound (including colour Doppler in
third trimester) Oral hematinics, calcium,
multivitamin and micronutrients for
surrogate C-Section Normal vaginal
delivery 247 client assistance throughout the
pregnancy Concierge to assist you during your
stay in Delhi Reduction cost is covered in the
package if pregnancy is more than twin.
Surrogates hospital charges during
pregnancy Multiple egg collection (upto 4 times,
if required) 1 year Embryo Freezing
2After baby is born Routine post-natal care and
medical tests for surrogate of surrogate
Post-natal doctors appointments for
surrogate Assistance of getting the birth
certificate of baby from the Municipal
Corporation of Delhi Discount prices for SCI
clients at a range of serviced apartments close
to the hospital Loan of certain baby items
needed in Delhi after birth of baby Baby pick up
file containing signed original agreement,
delivery report and No Objection letter from
surrogate This is a comprehensive take home baby
plan ensuring live birth beyond 28 weeks. Plan is
confirmed after reviewing reports and is only for
cycles with donor eggs from our associated ART
Banks. Charges for premium donor eggs are not
included in the package. Intended Parent commits
to minimum of 4 IVF cycles with multiple embryo
transferred in each cycle. If pregnancy and live
birth beyond 28 weeks is not achieved in 4 IVF
Cycles the entire Stage 1 payment will be
Stages of Payments
STAGE ONE 550,000 550,000
STAGE TWO 650,000
1. At confirmation of heartbeat Weeks 5-8 (INR 130,000) 9-16 (INR 130,000) 250,000
2 Start of week 15 of pregnancy Weeks 17-24 200,000
3. Start of week 23 of pregnancy Weeks 25-30 200,000
Total Stage Two 650,000
4. Stage three payment Weeks 30 birth 300,000
Total Of All Stages 15,00,000
In case of twin pregnancy 350,000 Extra 350,000/- Extra
C-Section advance payment Included in Package
Surrogate compensation for C-section Included in Package
Pre Genetic Screening if required This is extra
Premature Delivery before 28 weeks Should a
surrogate mother miscarry or child dies before
birth in or before 28 weeks of pregnancy. The
intended parent will be obligated to make Stage 2
payments for the new pregnancy. Stage 1 payments
for the IVF process will not be charged and will
be part of the package. Hospital Admission of
baby/babies, If required. In case of preterm
delivery the NICU charges are separate and not
covered in the package. These have to be paid
directly to the hospital. The charges range from
12000/- per day to 20,000/- per day depending on
the nature care. (These charges figures are a
guideline and may vary in special
circumstances) PRICING POLICY Prices quoted are
current for treatment starting after July, 2021.
Once quoted, prices under the control of SCI
Healthcare will not rise, provided you enroll
immediately and treatment starts within two
months (or as pre-arranged with SCI). Please note
that all payments are made in stages, and are
non-refundable. In the case of miscarriage where
payment is made in advance, clients will be
responsible for actual costs and credit will be
given to client for subsequent treatment.