Title: Chapter 6 Computer Networks from the reference book
1Chapter 6Computer Networks(from the reference
- Introduction to CS
- 1st Semester, 2009 Sanghyun Park
- Network Classification
- Bridge and Router
- Internet
- World Wide Web
- Internet Protocols
- Security (will be covered in 12th week)
3Network Classification (1/3)
- Two broad categories
- LAN (Local Area Network)normally consists of a
collection of computers in a single building or
building complex, e.g., university campus - WAN (Wide Area Network) links machines that may
be in neighboring cities or an opposite side of
the world - Ownership
- Public domain ? open network (Internet)
- Private entity ? closed network or proprietary
network - Network topology (pattern in which machines are
connected) - Ring, bus, star, irregular
4Network Classification (2/3)
The machines are all connectedto a common
communication linecalled a bus
The machines are connectedin a circular fashion
5Network Classification (3/3)
One machine serves as a hub to whichall the
others are connected
The machines are connected in whatappears to be
a haphazard manner
6Bridge and Router (1/2)
- At times it becomes necessary to connect two
existing networks - When the networks are compatible, this can be
done by merely connecting the networks by a
coupling device called a bridge - When two networks are connected via a bridge, the
result is simply a larger single network - It is often necessary to join two networks whose
characteristics are not compatible - In this case, the two networks must be connected
in a manner that builds a network of networks,
which is known as an internet - The connection between two networks to form an
internet is handled by a machine known as a router
7Bridge and Router (2/2)
8Inter-Process Communication
- Client-server
- One server, many clients
- Server must execute continuously
- Client initiates communication
- Peer-to-peer
- Two processes communicating as equals
- Peer processes can be short-lived
9Client/Server Model
10C/S Model Compared ToPeer-To-Peer Model
11Distributed Systems
- Systems with parts that run on different
computers - Infrastructure usually provided by standardized
toolkits - Examples include
- Enterprise JavaBeans from Sun Microsystems
- .NET framework from Microsoft
12The Internet
- A network of networks ? internet
- An example of an internet is the Internet
- Originated from a research program initiated in
1973 by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) - Internet is a combination of WANs and LANs
involving maybe millions of machines
13Internet Topology (1/2)
- The Internet can be viewed as a collection of
domains, each of which is relatively small
internet operated by a single organization - To establish a domain, the entity desiring the
domain must register with ICANN (Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) - A domain is attached to the existing Internet via
a router that connects a network in the domain to
a network already in the Internet - This particular router is called the domains
gateway - The gateways of a number of domains can be
connected to form a regional network of gateways
14Internet Topology (2/2)
- A typical approach to connecting to the Internet
15Internet Addressing (1/2)
- Each machine in the Internet is assigned a unique
address,called an IP address - Each IP address is a pattern of 32 bits
consisting of two parts - Identify the domain (network identifier)
- Identify the particular machine within the domain
(host address) - Network identifier is assigned by ICANN at time
of domain establishment and registration
(guarantees uniqueness of network identifier) - The host address is assigned by the domains
local authority - Example
- 192.207.177 (network identifier of Addison-Wesley
publishing co.) - (a machine within this company)
16Internet Addressing (2/2)
- ICANN assigns each domain a unique mnemonic
addressknown as domain name (edu, gov, org, com,
first-level domains) - Break domain into sub-domains
- We need a mapping between numeric addresses and
mnemonic addresses (each local authority
maintains such directory) - Directory is implemented within the domain in the
form of a server called a name server (DNS ?
Domain Name System) - Name server provides lookup for mnemonic
addresses to obtain the corresponding numeric
17World Wide Web (1/3)
- Hypertext is a text containing words, phrases, or
images that are linked to other documents - When hypertext contains sounds and video, it is
called hypermedia - Reader of hypertext documents can explore related
documents - A web of related information is formed
- Web that has evolved on the Internet spans the
entire globe and is known as World Wide Web
Client machine Browser
Server machine Serves web pages
18World Wide Web (2/3)
- Each document is identified by a unique address
- This unique address is called a URL (Uniform
Resource Locator) - The URL allows to identify the server, the
protocol in use, and a desired document - Sometimes a URL does not explicitly identify a
document, in such case a predetermined document
is often returned(usually a home page)
19World Wide Web (3/3)
- A hypertext document contains several markers
that describe - How the document should appear within the browser
- Which items within the document are to be linked
to other documents - Systems of markers known as Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML) - Finding information on the WWW ? Search Engines
20Layered Approach to Internet Software (1/2)
- A principal task of network software is to
provide the infrastructure required for
transferring message from one machine to another - Package-shipping example
The transportation of the gift would be carried
out by a three-level hierarchy(1) the user
level, (2) the shipping company, and (3) the
21Layered Approach to Internet Software (2/2)
- The Internet software has four layers rather than
22TCP/IP Protocol Suite (1/2)
- The TCP/IP protocol suite is a collection of
protocols used by the Internet to implement the
four-level hierarchy just described - Actually, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and
IP (Internet Protocol) are the names of only two
of the protocols in this collection - TCP/IP protocol suite provides two ways of
implementing the transport layer TCP and UDP
(User Datagram Protocol) - The application layer may choose to send data via
a TCP or UDP - IP is the Internets standard for the network
23TCP/IP Protocol Suite (2/2)